Shift Correction

Use the Shift Correction menu option (LVSHIFT GX) to create a level shift correction channel from an error difference channel. The correction is calculated as the average of the level errors (differences) at each crossing.

Create a Level Shift Correction Channel dialog options

Level error channel

The channel that contains the error data at the line crossings. This channel is normally created by loading the corrections from a correction table using the XLEVEL GX.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.ERROR

Output correction channel

The name of a new channel that will be created to hold the calculated shift correction. The corrections will be constant within a line.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.OUT

Maximum error

The maximum allowable error to use in calculating the correction. The errors will be clipped (+/-) this value before the correction is calculated.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.MAX

Process line types

"Selected" to process selected lines. "Tie" to process tie lines. "Lines" to process normal lines.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.TYPE

Application Notes

Use this GX to calculate average shifts that can be applied to lines minimize leveling errors. The resulting correction channel can be subtracted from the unleveled data using the LVCORR GX.