Create a New Map

  1. On the Map Tools > New Map from menu, select the option that reflects your data:

    • X,Y
    • Lat,Long
    • Current Template
    • Template Library (For more information on Map Templates, see the Interactive Map Templates topic.)
  2. The system displays the Data Range to Map dialog. This dialog is used to specify the extent of the data you want to map. You can automatically scan this information from an existing grid, a database, or select the range interactively by defining a rectangular area on the current open map.

  3. To scan the data range information from a database, click the Scan Data button. If you have a database currently open, the mapping wizard will scan it. If no database is open, the system will prompt you to specify one. Specify the name of the database to use and click OK.

  4. To scan the data range information from a grid, click the Scan Grid button. If you have a grid currently open, the mapping wizard will scan it. If no grid is open, the system will prompt you to specify one. Specify the name of the grid to use and click OK.

  5. To scan the data range information from an open map, click the Interactive button and your cursor will change into a crosshair (../../../geohelp/image/crosshair.jpg). Use your cursor to define a rectangular area on the open map.

  6. After scanning the database, grid or specifying an area on an open map, for the X,Y (or Lat, Long) data range, the system will update the fields in the dialog box with the new information.

  7. Select the distance units you would like to use for the map.

  8. If you would like to define a Coordinate System type for the map, click the [Coordinate System] button. For detailed instructions on adding projection information to maps, see the Coordinate System help topic.

  9. Click the Next> button to continue. The system displays the New Map / New Map from... dialog box.

  10. Specify the map name to use for the map.

  11. Select a map template to use for the map. Map templates define the orientation and layout of the map. To customize a template, click the Templates button. For detailed instructions on map templates, see the MAPPLOT Template Manager topic.

  12. Oasis montaj includes an Interactive Map Template Creation tool. Using this tool you can interactively create customized map templates for use within Oasis montaj. See Working with the Interactive Map Template Tool for more information on using this tool.
  13. Click the Scale button to scan the scale from the grid or database. The system will pick the scale that will make the grid or data best fit the map. You can also specify the scale by entering it manually.

  14. Click the Finish button. The system displays the new map on the screen.