Export Movie

Use the Export Movie dialog to save your animated sequence of snapshots to a high quality movie format like MP4 or WMV.

The quality of the output file can be controlled by the two parameters, Resolution and Frame rate, described in the table below.


The name of the output movie file.

Click the Browse […] button to select a location and specify a valid format type.

By default, the output file is saved in the WMV format.


The movie file display resolution. The description contains the name, aspect ratio, (and number of pixels in brackets) for each resolution option. E.g. 1080p HD 16:9 (1920x1080). Use the drop-down list to select a different resolution for the output movie.

  • Right click Properties on the output movie file to confirm the resolution under the Details tab in the Video > Frame width/height section.
  • More

    Click on this button to show additional options described below.

    Frame rate

    The rate at which consecutive images (frames) are displayed in the movie file. Default is 30 frames per second.

    Use the drop-down list to select a different frame rate (in frames per second) for the output movie.

  • Right click Properties on the output movie file to confirm the frame rate under the Details tab in the Video > Frame rate section.
  • Custom resolution

    User input Frame width and Frame height in pixels. Unchecked by default. This can be used to create movies with a specific custom resolution, such as for tablet or phone displays.

    Application Notes

    The output quality and size of movies are dependent on your graphics card, and the output file format chosen. In some cases, playback quality may be limited by your monitor or display adapter.