About ArcGIS MXD Files

ArcMap, the main application in the ArcGIS Desktop suite, is used for all mapping and editing tasks as well as for map-based query and analysis. An MXD map is the most common document type for users working with geographic information within ArcMap.

An MXD represents geographic information as a collection of layers and other elements in a map view. Common map elements include; the data frame containing map layers for a given extent, a scale bar, north arrow, title, descriptive text, and a symbol legend.

  • Starting with version 9.0 & up, Oasis montaj can no longer open MXDs and view and manipulate them in a similar fashion as in ArcMap. This is due to the fact that Esri MXD's (Map Documents) are in a 32-bit file format and can no longer be opened in the 64-bit version of Oasis montaj.

  • You can still:

    • import an MXD as a Geosoft Map, to access layers in the same way as before.

    • use drag and drop to transfer Esri Layers from one map to another.

    • import Esri file types such as Shapefiles and Layer files via the ArcGIS Tools menu.

    • save a Geosoft Map as an ArcGIS MXD.

    When you save a map you have created in ArcMap it uses the file extension .mxd. All the maps you compose in ArcMap are saved to an ArcMap document file named with an .mxd extension. MXD document files are managed in file system folders.