Set Attributes

Use the Geochem Import > Assay Attributes > Set Attributes menu option (CHATTRIB GX) to set ASSAY channel attributes.

Set Assay Attributes dialog options

Channels to set

All ASSAY channels – all channels that are members of the ASSAY class will be reported

Displayed ASSAY channels – only displayed channels that are member of the ASSAY class will be reported.

All Element channels – all channels that are names of elements found in the periodic table of the elements are included. The matches must be exact, and is case-sensitive. One exception is the element "Y" (Yttrium), since "Y" is generally used as a location channel. Instead, use "Yt", and it will be found. The CLASS attribute for each channel will be set to "ASSAY"

Displayed Element channels – As above, but only those channels which are displayed and which are element names are included. The CLASS attribute for eac"Displayed Element channels" – As above, but only those channels which are displayed and which are element names are included. The CLASS attribute for each channel will be set to "ASSAY"

Displayed channels – all channels that are displayed, except for the following: 

  • Location channels – X, Y, Z

  • Geochemistry general channels – Sample, Order, Batch, Lab_ID, Weight, Standard, Duplicate, Seq

  • Principal component channels – Those beginning "PC", or re-synthesized element channels.

  • Any channel whose CLASS attribute is defined, and which is not "ASSAY" (those without classes, which often include those just imported using a non-standard import, are included)

Select from list – select channels from a two-panel selection list. The channels available for selection are all the channels in the database, except for the same ones removed from the "Displayed" option (see above). 

The CLASS attribute for each channel will be set to "ASSAY" 


Select as either Individually or All at once. Only those items which are filled in are set, so you can choose to alter just a single parameter. Defaults are purposely not set for this option to help guard against overwriting data by mistake.

A warning is issued before this option is run which lists all the channels affected.

Application Notes

The Set Attributes option can only be run interactively.