Export Assay Attributes

Use the Geochem Import > Assay Attributes > Export Attributes menu option (CHSAVEATT) to export ASSAY channel attribute data to a CSV file. This is a fast way to transfer channel attributes to different Geochemistry databases.

Export ASSAY Channel Attributes dialog options

Channel parameter file (.CSV)

The name of the CSV file containing the attribute data. If the file exists, existing channel data will be overwritten, but channels in the CSV file not found in the database will remain unchanged.

Channels to include

"All ASSAY channels" – all channels that are members of the ASSAY class will be reported

"Displayed ASSAY channels" – only displayed channels that are member of the ASSAY class will be reported.

"Select ASSAY channels from list" -- select ASSAY class channels from a two-panel selection list.


Application Notes

The following is an example of a typical channel attribute file:

Cu,Cu, ppm,0.05,10,20000,Yes,50,TECHNIQUE
Mo,Mo, ppm,0.01,2,2000,No,10,TECHNIQUE
  • Each row in the CSV file defines attributes for one channel.
  • The Import Attributes may be used to load attributes from a file to the current database.

    The Set Attributes may be used to alter values in one or more channels.

  • The Export Attributes option can only be run interactively.