Import Assay Attributes

Use the Geochem Import > Assay Attributes > Import Attributes menu option (CHGETATT) to import ASSAY channel attribute data stored in a CSV file. This is a fast way to set channel attributes on different Geochemistry databases.

Import ASSAY Channel Attributes

Channel attribute file (.CSV)

The name of the CSV file containing the attribute data.

Application Notes

The following is a example of a typical channel attributes file. The names must be spelled as shown for the data to be correctly recognized.

Cu,Cu, ppm,0.05,10,20000,Yes,50,TECHNIQUE
Mo,Mo, ppm,0.01,2,2000,No,10,TECHNIQUE

Note that each row in the CSV file defines attributes for one channel. The first parameter in the row is a channel name which must match a channel in the database. Only matched channels are altered. Values that are blank in the file are not altered in the database.

If the "CLASS" attribute has not yet been set, this dialog automatically sets it to "ASSAY", but it will skip any channel which has already had its "CLASS" set to something other than "ASSAY".

The Export Attributes may be used to save attributes from the current database to a file.

The Set Attributes may be used to alter values in one or more channels.