GDB to Vector Voxel

Use the Voxel > Conversions > GDB to Vector Voxel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.VoxUtils.ConvertGDBToVectorVoxel;Run)*), to convert the current Geosoft database to a vector voxel.

GDB to Vector Voxel dialog options


Cartesian: If the vector voxel inclination and declination are not in the database, you most probably have the 3 components defining the vectors in the right-handed Cartesian coordinate system.

Rotated: If the vector voxel inclination and declination are in the database, this option is automatically selected and the Inclination and declination entries are auto-populated. You can also manually select Rotated and enter the inclination and declination angles of the predominant field.

Vector directions: You can also select the 3 components of the field by providing the inclination and declination at each voxel point, along with the magnitude of the field in that direction.

Script Parameter: IMPDBVECVOX.CHANNELS (0: Cartesian, 1: Rotated 2: Vector directions)

Contextual Vector Components

X channel

Y channel

Z channel

If you have selected type Cartesian, you will be prompted to provide three channels comprising the magnitude of the field in the XYZ Cartesian coordinate system.

Script Parameters respectively:




Inclination (+ve down)


U channel

V channel

W channel

If you have selected type Rotated, you will be prompted to provide the field magnitude of the 3 vector components, along with the predominant field direction. The predominant field direction is defined with 2 angles, Inclination and Declination, and must be supplied. If the vector voxel inclination and declination are in the database, the Inclination and declination entries are populated. You can also manually select Rotated and enter the inclination and declination.

Script Parameters:



In the rotated system, the field components are designated as:




Amplitude channel

Inclination channel

Declination channel

If you have selected type Vector directions, you will specify the magnitude of the field at each voxel point, along with its direction defined as a pair of Inclination and declination channels.

Script Parameters respectively:




Output vector voxel

Enter or browse for the output vector voxel file. By default, the output vector voxel is given the same name as the input database.


Application Notes

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.

In addition to the XYZ location channels, at least one of the following sets of 3 channels must be present in the input database, in order to run this GX successfully.

  • VX, VY, VZ: The magnitude of the X, Y and Z components in the Cartesian system.

  • VU, VV, VW: The magnitude of the 3 components in the rotated coordinate system.

  • Amp, Inc, Dec: The amplitude, inclination and declination of the vectors.

If a 3D Viewer is open when running the conversion, the output voxel will be displayed in the 3D Viewer window. Otherwise, the output vector voxel will be displayed into a new Voxel Viewer window.
If the output voxel does not display, open the Advanced Settings dialog (Project > Settings >  Advanced) and under the Voxel Settings section, check if the Display Created Voxelsoption is set to "True".