Density | Susceptibility | MVI
When an inversion execution for calculating a density, susceptibility, or Magnetic Vector (MVI) model type commences, the new entry Inversions appears at the end of the tree viewer (see Figure 1).
When a forward model response for calculating a susceptibility or density model commences, the new entry Forward models appears at the end of the tree viewer. The calculation of the forward model response for the Magnetic Vector model type is currently disabled as it is not part of the 7.5 (see Figure 1).
Depending on the data modelled, a new modelling session item is added to the Inversions or Forward models tree depicting the property that was modelled and suffixed by the date and time stamp (see Figure 2).
When the session ends, this item is populated with the results and a checkbox appears in front of it. The check box is a toggle that allows you to display the resulting voxel model in the 3D Viewer pane (see Figure 3).
When modelling density or Magnetic Vector, the labels are named accordingly as illustrated in Figure 4.
After the session is completed and the modelling results are returned from the server, the session is populated with:
The Parameter summary listing the all the parameters of the session in a concise XML format. This list can be used in reports of for a quick review.
The Process log report of the session is captured in a text file.
The Predicted results consisting of the calculated response of the fitted voxel model in a GDB format.
A copy of the Input data used for the modelling session. This copy captures all the setting of the session.
The MVI session only accepts the Reweighting model constraint and its Forward modelling option is disabled.
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