Predicted Response
At the completion of the inversion or forward model calculation, the input data as well as the calculated response of the voxel model are saved at the user defined sampling rate. The fields stored with this predicted response are:
Position: Easting, Northing, Elevation.
Survey data: observed measurements of magnetics or Bouguer gravity.
Background: background field to remove prior to inversion. The background channel name is generated by appending "_VOXI_Background" to the observed field name.
Residual field: background removed observed field used in inversion. The channel name is generated by appending "_VOXI_Residual" to the observed field name.
Error: the difference between the observed and predicated fields at the completion of the inversion. The error channel name is generated by appending "_VOXI_Internal_Error" to the observed channel name.
Predicted response: the calculated response of the solution voxel model. The channel names are BProj_FWD or Gx_FWD, Gy_FWD, and Gz_FWD in the case of a magnetic or gravity forward model, and PREDICTED_### in the case of a magnetic or gravity inverted model. The ### number indicates the number of major iterations conducted to obtain the solution voxel model.
For the forward magnetic field calculation case, the three additional channels, Bx_FWD, By_FWD, and Bz_FWD, represent the residual field along each cardinal direction.
For the forward gravity field calculation case, the Gz_FWD is effectively the Free-air response.
This data resides in the VOXI interface and can be viewed by selecting Predicted response under the intended inversion session in the Inversions results tree and clicking the right mouse button and selecting View.
These fields can be exported to a Geosoft database file by selecting Predicted response of the desired session in the Inversions results tree and clicking the right mouse button and selecting Export.
Access Seequent Online Learning and select the VOXI guided paths to learn more about effective workflows and key concepts.
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