Number Attributes
Number attributes are useful for incorporating numeric data into Imago imagery. Here we have an example of numeric data displayed on the light table alongside core images. In the Active Imagery panel, we can see that the data is organised as follows, from the attribute outward:
- The attribute Ag(ppm) displays numeric assay data on the light table.
- An attribute definition called Leda Assays contains the attribute Ag(ppm).
- An imagery type called Supporting Data contains the Leda Assays attribute definition.
The rest of this topic describes number attributes and how to make use of them in Imago. It is divided into:
See the Attribute Definitions topic for general information about creating and working with attributes in the Imago Admin Portal.
Number Attributes in the Admin Portal
In the Imago Admin Portal, the Supporting Data imagery type (A) contains the Leda Assays attribute definition (B):
In turn, the Leda Assays definition (C) contains the Ag(ppm) attribute (D). Clicking on the attribute shows that it uses the permitted values from the Ag(ppm) legend definition (E):
Finally, the Ag(ppm) legend definition (F) contains the legend classes (G) that can be displayed on the light table:
Data Definitions Required
The data definitions required to incorporate numeric data in this manner are:
- A legend definition that will describe the range of values possible
- An attribute definition that will contain a number-type attribute with the legend definition as its permitted values
- An imagery type that will contain the attribute definition
To set up a number attribute and use it in a dataset:
- Create an attribute definition with your new number-type attribute.
- Either select an existing legend definition from the Permitted values list or click the Create button to set up a new one.
- Add your attribute definition to an imagery type.
- Add the imagery type to a dataset.
Numeric attribute data can be uploaded to Imago using Imago Connect. See Uploading Attribute Data to Imago.
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(Undefined variable: Generic Variables.Copyright)