Open Project from Central

Use the option Open Project from Central to download a a revision from a Seequent Central project and open the datasets in a new Oasis montaj project.

  1. On the Project menu, select Open Project from Central.

    A shortcut to this option is available in the startup dialog when you open Oasis montaj.
  2. The Seequent Connector Open Project from Central dialog opens for you to select the server, project and revision.

  3. Seequent Connector is then called and the download process is started. You can monitor the progress from your system tray: right-click on the Seequent Connector icon and select Notifications.

  4. Next, the Oasis montaj Open Project from Central dialog opens for you to confirm the location where the Oasis montaj project will be created:

    Local copy folder

    The path is set to the default project directory, and the folder name defaults to the Central project name.

    Enter, or browse and select, a different location and folder name for your new Oasis montaj project file (*.gpf). Click OK to download the local copy.

  5. When the transfer of the revision is complete, the local Oasis montaj project is created in the specified location, and the datasets are automatically opened in Oasis montaj. You are now ready to start working with the new project.

Application Notes

The Open Project from Central option will create a local copy of the Central project revision for you to review and carry out additional processes as you require.

The option is not scriptable due to interaction with Seequent Connector and Central.

Data Types

When publishing to Central, your data will be saved in a format that can be shared with Geosoft desktop applications (Oasis montaj, Target, or Viewer) or in a Seequent Object format that can be shared between Geosoft desktop applications and other Seequent desktop and cloud applications.


Databases are published in the Geosoft format.


Grids are published in the Seequent Object format.

Some types of grids cannot be translated to the Seequent Object format; we recommend that you display them in a map or a 3D View and pack the map/view prior to publishing. The following are grid types that are not supported currently (they are disabled from selection and hovering over any of these grids in the list will produce an appropriate tooltip):

  • Curvilinear (crooked) section grids
  • Rasters that are non-Geosoft grids, such as ECW, ERS, PNG, BMP, etc.

There are three types of maps:

  1. Maps that either contain no grids, or the maps and the grid files are in the same project folder – these are published as they are. In addition, the contained grids are automatically selected and published as Seequent Object format (where possible). When a map is downloaded, you will get back the map (and the grid files alongside with it) as you published it.
  2. Maps that contain 3D Views and/or grids and images that are not located in the project folder – these are first packed prior to publishing, so that the maps will contain the grids and images. When a map is downloaded, you will get the packed map; this prevents any conflicts for grids/images that may have the same name that exists in your project folder. You can unpack the map and manage the files as you see appropriate.
  3. Maps that have been packed – these will be published as they are and when downloaded, you will get the packed maps.
3D Views

There are three types of 3D Views:

  1. 3D Views that either contain no grids/voxels, or the 3D Views and the grid/voxel files are in the same project folder – these are published as they are. In addition, the contained grids are automatically selected and published as Seequent Object format (where possible). When a 3D View is downloaded, you will get the 3D View as you published it and the grid/voxel files alongside it.
  2. 3D Views that contain grids, voxels and images that are not located in the project folder – these are first packed prior to publishing, so that the views will contain grids, voxels, and images. When a 3D View is downloaded, you will get the packed 3D View; this prevents any conflicts for voxels, grids/images that may have the same name that exists in your project folder. You can unpack the 3D View and manage the files as you see appropriate.
  3. 3D Views that have been packed – these will be published as they are. When downloaded, you will get a packed 3D View.

Voxels are published in the Seequent Object format.

Some types of voxels cannot be translated to the Seequent Object format; we recommend that you display them in a 3D View and pack the view prior to publishing.

The vector voxel type is not supported and is currently disabled from selection (hovering over a vector voxel in the list will produce an appropriate tooltip).


Geosurfaces are published in the Seequent Object format.


VOXI models (i.e., DC-IP/resistivity, EM (FDEM and TDEM), gravity, magnetic) are published in the Geosoft format.

GM-SYS 3D Models

GM-SYS 3D models are published in the Geosoft format.

GM-SYS 2D Models

GM-SYS 2D models are published in the Geosoft format.

Coordinate System and Reprojection

Geosoft formats will retain the coordinate system as set by the application, prior to publishing.
Seequent Object formats will be automatically reprojected to the coordinate system of the Central project, prior to publishing.

The Download Process

When data from a Central project is downloaded for the first time, a single folder with a universally unique ID (UUID ) is created in the download cache path, which is set by default to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\seequent\central\download. This folder, in turn, contains a folder with its own UUID for every instance of data downloaded from Central either in the same session or future sessions.

The cache path default location can be modified via Seequent Connector in the taskbar, which manages the cache and the communication with Central.

The "download package" stored in the Seequent cache contains:

  • The Central project metadata
  • The Oasis project UIIDs
  • The Seequent Objects: these are the translated data objects corresponding to the Geosoft datasets (grids, voxels, surfaces)

Colour ramp and colour distribution methods of individual datasets as well as 2D and 3D groups properties (including transparency, colour and visibility options, mesh render mode and clipping settings, child nodes selection, grid elevations, etc.) are retained in the download process.

When ready to be downloaded, Seequent Connector is called to download the "package" from the (latest) cache location to the Central server. The Connector will also remember and save the state in case of errors and will continue the download process from the saved state when the connection resumes.