SEG-Y Output Files (2D)

Use the Output Files dialog to convert the input 2D SEG-Y profile to Geosoft section grids and/or database. Specify which output type(s) you wish to generate and specify the names of the output files you wish to create.

Output Files dialog options

Generate section grid

Check this box if you wish to write the profile to a Geosoft section grid.

Output grid name

Browse to select the name and location of the output grid file.

Generate database

Check this box if you wish to write the profile to a line in a Geosoft database file.

Output database name

Browse to select the name and location of the output database file.

Application Notes

If a section grid is generated, it will be displayed in the current 3D View if one is open. It will also be displayed in a section grid viewer.

For more details on crooked sections, see the topic Crooked Section Grids.

If a database is generated, it will be displayed in the workspace. The database file will contain a channel for each trace-header field that contains non-zero data, as well as an array channel for the trace data. The sampling (Z-coordinate information) for the trace data is stored in the Array Base Properties.