Linear Transform

The Linear Transform dialog enables you to specify the minimum and maximum values, and the colour contour interval.

Zone Colour Ranges using Linear Transform

The first colour is all values <= minimum, the last colour is all values > maximum. Individual ranges are evenly distributed between the min and max.

If a contour is defined, then interior breaks are moved down to the nearest multiple of the contour (min and max remain unchanged).


For a five-colour linear transform from 0 to 10, these are the ranges:

contour = dummy (not defined)

    1. x <= 0.0 (min)

    2. 0 < x <= 3.33

    3. 3.33 < x <= 6.66

    4. 6.66 < x <= 10.0

    5. x > 10.0 (max)

contour = 3

    1. x <= 0.0 (min)

    2. 0 < x <= 3

    3. 3 < x <= 6

    4. 6 < x <= 10.0

    5. x > 10.0 (max)