Upload to Central

Use the Data Services > Upload to Central menu option, or the context menu option Upload to Central located in the Project Explorer, to upload Geosoft grids, voxels, and geosurfaces to a Seequent Central project.

When uploading files to a Central project, you can control the upload location in the Central Data Room by either selecting an existing directory or creating a new folder or folder structure.

Upload to Central dialog options

Central server

This is a contextual parameter: the Central server that Oasis montaj is currently connected to is displayed here. See Oasis montaj Integration with Seequent Central for more information on Seequent Central servers and how to connect to a Central server.


Select the Central server project that you want to upload the file(s) to.

You will see only the projects that you have been given access to. See Application Notes for more details on requirements.


Select the location in the Central Data Room where to upload the files to. This can be the root folder (default option): <Files>, or any existing subfolder in the current project folder structure. Use the [Create New] button to create a new folder to upload the file(s).

The folder selection is retained upon closing the dialog. If the location no longer exists, on re-opening the dialog, the Folder selection will default back to the root node.

Upload as OMF file

Check this option to save all selected grids, voxels, and geosurfaces to a single OMF file (*.omf) and upload the output file to the Central server.

If the option "Upload as OMF file" is unchecked, geosurfaces are not available for upload to the Central server.

Output OMF file

Specify the output OMF file name. By default, the output file will acquire the name of your current project; however, you can override the default.

Coordinate system

The coordinate system saved with your project parameters is displayed. Use the [Modify] button to change the coordinate system information. All the datasets selected to be exported will be "reprojected on the fly" to this coordinate system.

A warning is displayed to the right of the field if any of the selected datasets do not have a coordinate system defined.

Coordinate system units

The length units of the current coordinate system are displayed. Use the [Modify] button to change the coordinate system units.


Enter a title for the OMF file metadata. By default, the title will acquire the name of your current project; however, you can override the default.


Enter a description for the OMF file metadata. This is an optional field.

File(s) to upload

The tree list displays all the grids, voxels, and geosurfaces currently added to your project. Select the file(s) you want to upload to the Central server. Change the data to be uploaded by selecting or deselecting individual datasets.

If the option "Upload as OMF file" is unchecked, only Geosoft grids and voxels are available for upload to the Central server.

[Regrid Voxels]

If the voxels selected are rotated or contain variable cell sizes, you might need to resample them in order to be exported to your destination software. Click this button to open the Regrid Voxels for OMF Export dialog and change the regridding parameters for the selected voxels.

The tooltip to the right of the button displays information about the number of cells and dimensions for each of the selected voxels and the total number of cells for all selected voxels in the resulting OMF file. The total number of cells (in the OMF file) if regridding is applied is also reported.


Click this button to upload the selected file(s) to the selected Central server project and location.

All the associated files (e.g., .xml, .gi) will be uploaded to the Central server.

Application Notes

At least one file of the grid, voxel, or geosurface type must be loaded in the current Oasis montaj project.

Central Server Upload Requirements

  • You must be connected to a Central server to access this tool.
  • You need "Editor" or "Creator" permission level for at least one project hosted on the connected Central server.

Learn more about Oasis montaj Integration with Seequent Central.