Seeker - Results

Seeker's Results page displays the results of the current search for all DAP and WMS Servers.

The Results page enables you to view your search results in tree view (with folders) or list view.  Select a server (DAP, WMS) to view the results. You will also be presented with the number of results found on each server.  

Check a dataset to display an image of the dataset in the Preview tab, the dataset's metadata in the Metadata tab, and to add the dataset to the Download page.

Preview the Results

The Results page includes a text search tip, the Server drop-down list, the list of results, and the Preview and Metadata tabs.

  • Server - You can view any data source results from the Server list. The data results are available in two views: tree view: selected server is expanded in the tree at the root-folder level, and list view: the datasets from the selected server are listed. The numbers of valid results found per data source are presented: they can be found to the right of the server name in the tree view and below the results in the list view.

  • Results - The Results pane enables you to view your search results in tree view or list view.

    The view may depend on the selected server (DAP or WMS) that you are viewing. Not all data sources can be displayed in both views.

  • Preview - Click the Preview tab, and the selected datasets (tree view or list view) are rendered in the Preview map window. The tab includes navigation tools that enable you to zoom in, zoom out, and zoom to full map and toggle the server browser map.

  • Metadata - Click the Metadata tab and the metadata for the selected dataset is reported. Metadata (data about data) is captured by Oasis montaj from the first time the dataset is touched. The metadata information, which is based on ISO 19139 standards, is stored inside the data (if supported) or as a companion XML file.


The Preview map displays all the selected (checked image/check.png ) datasets in the Results pane. Selected datasets are also added to the Download page.

The Preview tab includes the following navigation tools:


Zoom in


Zoom out


Zoom to full map

Hide browser map

Datasets in the Preview map are displayed in the order that they are selected. Deselect and reselect a dataset to move it to the top of the display order.

Right clicking in the Preview map will zoom into the area of interest (AOI).


Seeker includes the ability to view and download the dataset's metadata.

  • To view metadata, click the Metadata tab and select (highlight) a dataset to display the metadata.

  • You can also select (highlight) a dataset, right-click to Show Metadata, and the Metadata tab will open and display the dataset's metadata.

  • When you download a dataset, any associated metadata is also downloaded.

Dataset Selection

Selecting (or checking ) a dataset in the Results page will display an image of the dataset in the Preview map, display its metadata in the Metadata tab, and add the dataset to the Download list.

  • Select datasets by placing a check in the box in front of the dataset name:

    When viewing the results in tree or list view, if you hover your cursor over a dataset icon (e.g. , ) a preview window with a thumbnail image will be displayed.

  • To zoom to the dataset extents in the Preview map, right click and select Zoom To Dataset. If the dataset is not already selected, this will also select it ().

Server Selection

The Server selection list allows you to switch between servers. There are two methods for viewing the search results: tree view and list view.  You can toggle between views using the Switch to... buttons (, ).  

Tree View

The tree view is supported by DAP servers.  The selected DAP server will expand in when using the tree view. The number of valid results are displayed to the right of the server name.

The tree view enables you to select all of the datasets in a folder. To do so, select a folder, right-click and select Select All Datasets. All the datasets in the folder will be checked (), added to the Download list, and displayed in the Preview map.

List View

The list view is supported by DAP and WMS servers. The selected server will display results in the list view when selected. The number of valid search results are displayed directly below the results list.

  • If Include datasets: Inside area of interest was selected in the Advanced Search, the total dataset count and the folders in tree view will only be shown if supported by the selected DAP Server.