Select and Edit Views and Groups

Select a View

  1. In the Map Manager, click the Select View Mode icon and then select the view you would like to edit.

    View editing is an advanced capability that enables you to select all groups in that view and manipulate them simultaneously — typically by copying or deleting them. However, you should use this functionality with care since any deletions you make are permanent.

    The option is typically used to determine and display (on the Status Bar) the paper or ground coordinates corresponding to the current cursor position. This provides a basic "ruler" function for orienting groups and items in a map.

  1. To change views or to select a group within a view, select it directly in the Map Manager.

    For example, to select the Base View, select an item that is displayed in the Base View, and to select the Data View, select an item that is inside your Data View.
    You will notice that when you have selected an item on the map, the view in which the item resides is displayed on the Status Bar.

Select and Edit Groups

Use the Map Manager tool, which provides an interface within the map, to switch between different groups, change their properties (movable, hidden, cropping), and change their layering order (i.e., move groups to the front or back).

A group is open for editing whenever you see the Map Group Editing toolbar displayed within the map itself.
When you create a new group, this group becomes selected and you can edit it.

Select a Group

  1. First, open the map you want to edit and make sure the Select Group Mode (image\selectgroup.jpg) button is activated in the Map Manager.

  2. The currently selected group is highlighted. A rectangular border with sizing handles (small, filled rectangles) is displayed around the perimeter of the selected group within the map. The status bar displays the current group (for instance "Base\Surround").

  3. To switch to another group, click on the group name so that it becomes highlighted.

  4. To edit the selected group, click the Edit Vector Group or the Colour Tool button. The group will be selected on the map and will have sizing handles around it.

  5. When you are done editing the group, right-click and select End Editing.

Edit Vector Group

Certain groups on a map, such as the Coordinate and North arrow groups are composed of multiple graphics items (i.e. lines). You can edit these items individually, for instance, by increasing a line's thickness or changing its colour. You can also edit the rectangular outline in the Surround group and change the attributes for the polygon.

To access the Attributes tool:

  1. Ensure the group to be edited is displayed on the map.

  2. In the Map Manager tree, select the group layer and right-click Edit Vector Group. A shaded frame will appear around the group on the map.

  3. Click inside the frame, and the area to be edited will be highlighted by square symbols. Right-click and select the Attributes option.

  4. To select the entire group, mouse over the selected group and right-click Select All. Right-click again and select Attributes.

Copy and Paste Groups

If you have groups that you want to reuse on a map, you can save time by copying them to the clipboard and pasting them in another part of the map. For instance, you may be creating a map consisting of two grids plotted side by side with surrounds. In this case, you could copy the map surround, paste it beside the first surround, and then place grids inside of each surround.

  1. Select the group you want to duplicate in the Map Manager and click the Select Group Mode button . The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles.

  2. On the map, right-click and select Copy from the context menu. The system copies the group to the clipboard.

  3. On the map, right-click and select Paste from the context menu. The system pastes the group into the map and creates a new group with a corresponding extension.

    For instance, if you copied the group "Base\Surround" group of a basemap plot, you will see another group called "Base\Surround_2".

  4. To move the group, it may be necessary to turn on the moveable property of the group. For instance, with the Base Surround_2 group, select the group in the Map Manager tree, then ensure the property Moveable is checked by right-clicking it.

  5. Move the cursor to the outlined area. The system displays a four-headed arrow.

  6. Drag the item to its new location in the Map window.

Delete Groups

If you want to remove a group that the system created (such as a coordinate group) or that you added (such as a line of text), you can simply delete it from the map.

  1. Select the group you want to remove. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles.

  2. Click the Delete key, or right-click and select Delete Group from the context menu. The system removes the selected group.

Create Layers and Groups

If you are interpreting data, you may want to create an empty interpretation group that you can then add information to and use as an overlay. For instance, you may have made a map just from a single grid and want to create an interpretation layer. Since the grid layer (group) cannot be edited directly, you require the ability to create an empty group that you can edit. Or, you may simply want to make an interpretation overlay for a map composed of multiple groups.

You create a new layer in a map by creating a new group with nothing in it.