Select or Deselect Lines

Formulas and many GX processes only change data on lines that have been selected. When you first import data, all lines are selected — the default state is to process all data in your database. You can tell whether a line is selected by looking for a check mark in the ID Cell (top left cell in the Spreadsheet window).

The ID Cell popup menu also enables you to select the following items:

  • List

  • Go To >

  • Edit

  • Edit all Selected Lines

  • New Line

  • New Group

  • Delete Line/Group

  • Selections >

You then have the choice of deselecting and selecting individual lines. Each data line may either be selected or not selected, and the line's selection status is stored as part of the database.

Select or Deselect Individual Lines (SELLINE GX)

  1. Make sure the database you want to use is open.

  2. Move the cursor to the ID cell (top left hand corner of the spreadsheet window) and click the left mouse button. The system highlights the cell.

  3. Click the right mouse button and choose Selections > Selection Tool from the popup menu that appears. The Line Selection Tool dialog is displayed.

  4. From the Line Selection Tool window, select the line you want to enable/disable, and click the Select Highlight or Deselect Highlight button. The check mark beside the line appears or disappears. If the line is not selected, the data processing or the maps created will not include this line.

Select/Deselect a Single Line (SELLINE GX)

Run the SELLINE GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and select Selections > Select/Deselect Single Line to select or deselect a single line.

Select All Lines (SELALL GX)

If you turned off one or more lines, you may eventually want to re-activate all of the lines in your database for additional processing.

  1. Make sure the database you want to use is open.

  2. Run the SELALL GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and select Selections > Select All. The system activates all lines.

  3. Verify that all lines are selected by scrolling through the lines. Notice that the check mark that indicates a line is selected, is now turned on for each line.

Deselect All Lines (SELNONE GX)

In certain cases, you may want to deactivate all lines. For example, if you wanted to quickly evaluate optimal filtering parameters for a subset of your data (before applying your settings to all lines), you might deactivate all lines and then turn on a single line.

  1. Make sure the database you want to use is open.

  2. Run the SELNONE GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and select Selections > Select None. The system deactivates all lines.

  3. Verify that all lines are deselected by scrolling through the lines. Notice that the check mark that indicates a line is selected is now turned off for each line.

Select or Deselect Specific Flights for Processing (SELFLT GX)

If you have data from multiple flights or days in your database, you may want to select only the data from certain flights or days for further processing.

  1. Make sure the database you want to use is open.

  2. Run the SELFLT GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and select Selections > Select/Deselect Flight. The system activates all lines.

  3. Type the flight number in the corresponding field.

  4. If you want to include the flight in processing, click the Select button. Otherwise, click the Deselect button.

  5. Verify that the line is selected by scrolling through the lines and looking at the ID Cell. Flight numbers precede line numbers in this cell. Notice that the flights that you selected or deselected are now turned on (check mark) or turned off (no check mark) respectively.

Select or Deselect Line by Version

Run the geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.SelectLinesByVersion;Run) GX.NET, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and select Selections > Select/Deselect Version to select or deselect lines based on line version.

Select or Deselect Line by Direction (SELDIR GX)

Run the SELDIR GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and selectSelections > Select/Deselect Direction to select or deselect lines based on line direction.

Select or Deselect Line by Type (SELTYPE GX)

Run the SELTYPE GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and selectSelections > Select/Deselect Type to select or deselect lines based on line type.

Select or Deselect Line by Name or Mask

Run the geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.SelectLinesByNameOrMask;Run) GX.NET, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and selectSelections > Select/Deselect Name or Mask to select or deselect lines with a defined name or name mask.

Save Selections to a File (SELSAVE GX )

Run the SELSAVE GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and selectSelections > Save Selections to save current line/group selections to a file.

Get Current Selections from a File (SELGET GX )

Run the SELGET GX, or on the line header cell in the top left corner of the database, right click and selectSelections > Get Selections to get current selections from a previously saved selection file.