Grid Viewer Toolbar

The Grid Viewer toolbar provides you with easy access tools for working with Geosoft grids within the Grid Viewer window. The toolbar becomes active and is displayed within the window when you open any grid.

A grid view cannot accept any graphics that a map can; it can be saved as a map (the Open in New Map button on the Grid Viewer toolbar), in which case the map will appear in the Maps section of the Project Explorer.

Shadow Cursor

(Default Shortcut: Alt+C)

Click this button to enable desktop dynamic linking. As you move the Shadow cursor (image\shadowcursor2.jpg) around the grid view, the same geographic location () is indicated in all the other open and linked maps and grid views; in addition, in open databases the closest point in the currently visible line/group is highlighted. Similarly, when you select a value in the database or a point on a profile, the Shadow cursor position will update in the linked map and grid views.

  • When you open a grid, the system automatically turns on a grid view link and activates the Shadow cursor.
  • Pan

    (Default Shortcut: P-Key or Spacebar)

    Click this button to move around in the currently selected grid. Click the left mouse button and while holding the button down, move the hand cursor to pan around the current grid area.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Pan under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Zoom to Box

    (Default Shortcut: B-Key)

    Click this button to activate the "zoom to box" option then click on the view, and while holding down the left mouse button, move your cursor to box in the area you want to zoom. It is also possible to reduce the amount of clicks needed by doing the above in one movement by clicking, holding the button and dragging the rectangle immediately. Once the box has been defined, the cursor and the box are linked, and by moving the cursor around, you can move the box to another location and then click the left mouse button to zoom to the boxed area.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom to Box under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Zoom In/Out

    (Default Shortcut: Z-Key [In] and X-Key [Out])

    Click this button to zoom in by dragging right or to zoom out by dragging left.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom In/Out under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Zoom to Full Extents

    (Default Shortcut: F-Key)

    Click this button to display the whole grid area in the grid window.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom to Full Extents under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Previous Extent

    (Default Shortcut: L-Key)

    Click this button to undo navigation changes that you have made recently. This command is useful for returning the view to any extents that were previously viewed after changing it by zooming and panning.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Previous Extent under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Next Extent

    (Default Shortcut: O-Key)

    Click this button to redo navigation changes that you have made recently.

  • You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Next Extent under Navigation Tools from the popup menu.
  • Change Extent on This Map Only

    Click this button to apply navigation commands to the currently selected grid window only.

    Change Extent on All Maps

    Click this button to apply navigation commands to all open grid and map windows in the project.

    Change Extent on Other Maps Only

    Click this button to apply navigation commands to all grid and map windows other than the currently selected grid.

    Pan to Cursor on All Maps

    Click this button to enable the other open grid views and maps to automatically pan to keep the cursor visible.

    Every time a location is selected on a grid view (or map) using either Shadow Cursor or Data Linking, the Shadow cursor location on the other grid views (or maps) is updated.

  • When this option is enabled, if the Shadow cursor moves out of view, the grid view (or map) will automatically pan to centre on the new cursor location, always keeping the cursor in view.
  • Auto Recolour Grid

    Click this button to toggle the "auto recolour grid" option on/off. This option recolours the displayed grid area as the grid extents change within a grid window (e.g., when zooming or panning):

    • When this option is "on", the grid values stay the same. However, any changes made to the extents of the viewed grid area will cause the grid to be recalculated and recoloured based on the grid values in the currently displayed area, using the entire colour palette over the displayed grid area.

    • When the option is "off", the grid returns to its original colours.

    The Auto Recolour Grid option is a temporary viewing tool. To save/share a recoloured view of a grid you can create a snapshot.

    Colour Tool

    Click this button to activate the Colour Tool. The tool enables you to interactively edit the colour display of the grid, store your custom colour configurations in specialized colour scheme files (*.ITR, *.AGG, *.ZON, *.TBL, *.LUT), and apply a colour scheme file to the displayed grid.


    Click this button to toggle the "smoothing" option on/off:

    • By default, this option is activated when a grid is opened in the Grid Viewer: for display purposes, the grid is first interpolated to a smooth image at the screen resolution.

    • Turn off the option if you prefer to honour the grid resolution; the image will appear pixelated, and the colour will change at the actual grid interval rather than the screen resolution.


    Adding a shading effect to the colour grid emphasizes the subtle changes in the data that would otherwise be subdued. Click this button to toggle the "shading" option on/off:

    • When this option is activated, a shadow grid image is created. By default, the shading parameters are set to the following values: illumination (sun angle) inclination/declination = 45°, RGB colour model, default vertical scale factor (calculated as 2.5 over the mean of the gradient of the input grid).
      To change the default shading parameters, click on the Interactive Shading button on the Grid Viewer toolbar.

    • Check the Shading note for the shadow grid calculation equation.
    • When the option is turned off, the grid returns to its original state.

    Interactive Shading

    If the Shading option is active, this button becomes enabled. Click on the button to activate the Interactive Shading tool and proceed to change the sun angle in real time.

    Open in New Map

    Click this button to save changes to the grid and open it in a map window.

    Application Notes

    Additional Context Menus in the Grid Window

    Right-clicking on the view will reveal additional commands:

    Shortcut Keys

    Oasis montaj provides configurable shortcut keys ('hotkeys') enabling quick and easy access to menu functions.

    To view or modify these settings, go to Map > Settings and select Configure Map Shortcut Keys. The interactive dialog provides the option to configure your own shortcut keys (hotkeys) or view the provided defaults.