Operation Tab Settings

This topic describes the settings available in the Operation tab for Capture X profiles. It is divided into:

For information on the other settings available for Capture X profiles, see:

Operation Tab Basics

When a Capture X profile is first created, it will have no Operation tabs. An Operation tab is added for each capture operation defined in the General tab, as described in

See Adding Capture Operations in the Capture X Profiles topic for more information on adding operations to a profile.

When operations are defined in the General tab, the Imago Admin Portal will attempt the match the capture operations entered in the General tab with the image types defined in the selected Imagery Type. If, however, the wrong image type is set for the capture operation, you can change it by clicking on the entry’s Operation tab. There you can remove the incorrect image type (A) and add the correct one (B):

Review Settings

When Review before accepting is enabled, each time an image is captured, Imago Capture X will prompt the operator to accept or reject the image.

If this setting is disabled, Capture X will still display the captured image and the operator can retake the image if it is not acceptable. The end result is that the operator has the opportunity to review each captured image, there is simply no prompt displayed reminding them to do so.

Watch Directory

The Use read all mode for directory watchers setting applies when Sensor Capture Mode in the Capture tab is set to wait.

When Use read all mode for directory watchers is enabled, Imago Capture X will read all formats that are in the watcher directory. If it is an image format, Imago Capture X will likely accept it.

Simultaneous Capture

The Capture These Images Simultaneously list will in most cases have only one entry.

  • If two cameras are being used, there can be two entries.
  • If a watcher directory is being used, there can be as many entries are there are image types.

The Target Sensor can be RGB1 and RGB2. If the capture station is using only one camera, select RGB1.

File Format determines the format used to upload captured images. JPEG, PNG and TIFF are supported.

The Quality relates only to JPEG images. The default is 90. Selecting 100 is unlikely to be noticeable in terms of quality, but the upload and processing times will potentially be longer, due to larger file sizes.

If captured images are incorrectly orientated, selecting a Rotation will result in subsequent images being captured correctly.

Before and After Capture Actions

The Before Capture and After Capture settings can be used with chipshot cameras.

When using the ChipshotTrigger action, a movement will be triggered, such as light or UV light, before the photograph is captured.

Adding the PowerOutlet action after capture provides the means to turn the power outlet on or off depending if UV light is being used.