Add Lines, Polygons and Text to Maps

You can add graphics items, such as lines, polylines, polygons and text to any group in your map with the exception of the image groups (use the Colour Tool to change the attributes of these groups).

When adding items to groups, we recommend that you add them strategically. For instance, if you are adding text that applies to the map as a whole, you may want to use the Base\Surround group. If you are adding text that is related to a specific part of a map, such as the contours or flight lines, you may want to use the corresponding group in the Data View. You can also create an empty group and add information.

Add a Line

This functionality lets you add a straight-line segment to a group in a map.

  1. Select the map you want to use.

  2. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  3. On the Map Manager toolbar, click on Edit Vector Group. The Map Group Editing toolbar is displayed in the map window.

  4. Select the Draw Line button from the Map Group Editing toolbar.

  5. Click once where you want the line to start and move the cursor to the end point. The system draws a dashed line between the start and current cursor position.

  6. Click again. The system draws the line.

  7. Use the Line Attributes dialog to modify the line attributes of the selected line.

Add a Polyline

This functionality lets you add a multi-segmented line to a group in a map.

  1. Select the map you want to use.

  2. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  3. On the Map Manager toolbar, click on Edit Vector Group. The Map Group Editing toolbar is displayed in the map window.

  4. Select the Draw Polyline button from the Map Group Edit toolbar.

  5. Click once where you want the segment to start and move the cursor to the next point. The system draws a dashed line between the polyline start and current cursor position.

  6. Click once to anchor the current segment.

  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as required.

  8. Right-click Done to end the line. The system draws the polyline.

  9. Use the Polyline Attributes dialog to modify the attributes of the selected polyline.

Add a Rectangle

This functionality lets you add a rectangle to a group in a map.

  1. Select the map you want to use.

  2. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  3. On the Map Manager toolbar, click on Edit Vector Group. The Map Group Editing toolbar is displayed in the map window.

  4. Select the Draw Rectangle button from the Map Group Edit toolbar.

  5. Click once where you want the rectangle to start and move the cursor to the end point. The system draws a dashed rectangle between the start and current cursor position.

  6. Right-click Done. The system draws the rectangle.

Add a Polygon

This functionality lets you add a multi-segmented closed figure to a group in a map.

  1. Select the map you want to use.

  2. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  3. On the Map Manager toolbar, click on Edit Vector Group. The Map Group Editing toolbar is displayed in the map window.

  4. Select the Draw Polygon button from the Map Group Edit toolbar.

  5. Click once where you want the polygon to start.

  6. Move the cursor to the next point and click once to anchor the current line segment. Repeat this step as required to define the shape of the polygon.

  7. Right-click Done and the system completes the polygon.

  8. Use the Polygon Attributes dialog to modify the attributes of the selected polygon.

Add Text

This functionality lets you add a text to a group in a map.

  1. Select the map you want to use.

  2. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  3. On the Map Manager toolbar, click on Edit Vector Group. The Map Group Editing toolbar is displayed in the map window.

  4. Select the Add Text button from the Map Group Edit toolbar.

  5. Click once approximately where you want the text to start. The system draws a rectangle with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  6. Click once beside the Text cell (near the bottom left of the Status bar). The system places a vertical line in the field.

  7. Type your text and click Enter. The system places the text in the box.

  8. Drag the box to its final position and release it.

  9. Use the Font Attributes dialog to modify the attributes of the selected text.