Geosoft Map Identify Tool

The Geosoft Map Identify Tool can be used to identify features inside ArcGIS LYRs embedded into a map, in a similar way as the ArcGIS Identify tool available in ArcMap. The tool enables you to see the attributes of your data, and is an easy way to learn something about a location in a map.  

How to Use the Geosoft Map Identify Tool

Select the Geosoft Map Identify Tool (Identify Button) button on the Map Navigation Toolbar and then click on a location inside the map to display the attributes of the data at that location. When identifying features with the Map Identify Tool, the attributes are presented in a feature-by-feature, layer-by-layer manner in the Identify window.

The Map Identify Tool can be customized to narrow down the amount of data you see by filtering the layers using the node selection in the Map Manager tool. The selection determines which layers are identified, i.e., selecting the view node will use all layers in the view, or using single or multiple selection can narrow it down to one ore more layers of interest.