Map Navigation Toolbar

The Map window navigation toolbar provides you with easy access to tools for working with Geosoft maps within the map window itself. The toolbar is displayed within the map window when you open any map.

Shadow Cursor

(Default Shortcut: Alt+C)

Click this button to enable desktop dynamic linking. As you move the cursor around the map, the same geographic location is highlighted with a “Shadow Cursor" on the other open maps and grid viewers; in addition, in open databases the closest point in the currently visible line/group is highlighted. Similarly, when you select a value in the database or a point on a profile, the "Shadow Cursor" will update in the map views.

When you open a map the system automatically turns on a map link and activates the Shadow Cursor.

Data Linking

Click this button to enable database dynamic linking. Selecting this option creates a dynamic link between your map and data (in Spreadsheet and Profile windows) to assist in locating and comparing data, profiles and maps.

If you have plotted flight lines on your map, you can use this button to dynamically link the map to the database and profiles. When you select a location on the map, the cursor will snap to the nearest data point, the database and profile views will update to show the corresponding data. If the corresponding data are in a different database line/group, then the spreadsheet window will automatically display this line/group.

View Drillhole in MX Deposit

This button is only available on maps created from MX Deposit Drillhole Projects.

Use the Data Linking button on a Drillhole Plan or Section map to select a specific drillhole. Then click this button to launch MX Deposit and view the drilling and sample data information for the selected Drillhole.

See New Project from MX Deposit for more information.

View Drillhole in Imago

Use the Data Linking button on a Drillhole Plan or Section map to select a specific drillhole and depth interval. Then click this button to launch the Imago online application portal and view stored core photos of the selected drillhole and depth range.

When data linking is used on a Section or Plan Map to select a drillhole, the Imago web page will display the core photos for that drillhole, corresponding to the depth interval selected in the database. See Connect to Imago for more information.

Geosoft Map Identify Tool

This tool is only enabled when ArcGIS LYR map layers are present in the map.

Click this button to enable the Geosoft Map Identify Tool. Then click on the features of interest on the LYR groups to view the attributes of the data at that location.


(Default Shortcut: P-Key or Spacebar)

Click this button to move around in the currently selected map or template. Click the left mouse button and while holding the button down, move the hand cursor to pan around the current map area.

You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on a map and selecting Pan from the popup menu under Navigation Tools.

Zoom to Box

(Default Shortcut: B-Key)

Click this button to activate the zoom to box. Click on the view, then while holding down the left mouse button, move your cursor to box in the area you want to zoom, click the left mouse button to select the area. Click the mouse button again to zoom to the area selected.

It is also possible to reduce the amount of clicks needed by doing the above in one movement by clicking, holding the button and dragging the rectangle immediately.

  • Once the box has been defined, the cursor and the box are linked and by moving the cursor around you can move the box to another location, and then click the left mouse button to zoom to the boxed area.
    You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom to Box from the popup menu under Navigation Tools.
  • Zoom In/Out

    (Default Shortcut: Z-Key [In] and X-Key [Out])

    Click this button to zoom in by dragging right, or out by dragging left.

    You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom In/Out from the popup menu under Navigation Tools.

    Zoom to Selection

    (Default Shortcut: S-Key)

    Click this button to zoom to the current selected item’s extents.

    You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom to Selection from the popup menu under Navigation Tools.

    Zoom to Full Extents

    (Default Shortcut: F-Key)

    Click this button to display the whole map area in the map window.

    You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on the view and selecting Zoom to Full Extents from the popup menu under Navigation Tools.


    Click this button to toggle the Auto-Redraw option on/off. The Auto-Redraw option refreshes/redraws a map automatically after changes are made to it.

    • When this option is ON any changes made to the map contents will cause the map to be refreshed/redrawn. This includes editing changes, group selection changes, or changing the rendering order of a group.

    • If the Auto-Redraw is OFF the map is only refreshed on zoom, pan, or if the refresh button is pressed.

    • A Redraw button has also been added to support this feature. If the Auto-Redraw option is off, and you make changes to the groups in the Map Manager, click this button to refresh and show your changes on the map. This is useful for displaying your changes when moving groups in front or behind each other which is possible to do by drag-and-drop in the Map Manager with a single group selected or multiple groups within a view selected.

    By default Auto Redraw is initially ON.

    You can also access the Redraw command by right-clicking on a map and selecting it from the popup menu.


    (Default Shortcut: R-Key)

    Click this button to refresh/redraw a map in the Map window after making editing changes.

    You can also access this command by clicking the right mouse button on a map and selecting Redraw from the popup menu.

    Previous Extent

    (Default Shortcut: L-Key)

    Click this button to undo navigation changes that you have made recently. This command is useful for returning the view to any extents that were previously viewed after changing it by zooming and panning.

    Next Extent

    (Default Shortcut: O-Key)

    Click this button to redo navigation changes that you have made recently.

    Change Extent on This Map Only

    Click this button to apply map navigation commands to the currently selected map window only.

    Change Extent on All Maps

    Click this button to apply map navigation commands to all open map windows in the project.

    Change Extent on Other Maps Only

    Click this button to apply map navigation commands to all maps other than the currently selected map.

    Pan to Cursor on All Maps

    Click this button to enable the other open maps to automatically pan to keep the cursor visible.

    Every time a location is selected on a map using either the Shadow Cursor or Data Linking option, the location of the shadow cursor on the other maps is updated.

    If the shadow cursor moves out of view, the maps will automatically pan to centre on the new cursor location, always keeping the cursor in view.

    Auto Recolour Grids

    Click this button to toggle the "auto recolour grids" option on/off. This option recolours the displayed grid area as the grid extents change within a map window (e.g., when zooming or panning).

    • When this option is ON, the grid values stay the same. However, any changes made to the extents of the viewed grid area will cause the grid to be recalculated and recoloured based on the grid values in the currently displayed area, using the entire colour palette over the displayed grid area.

      All displayed grids will be recoloured when changes are made to the extents of the viewed area.
    • When the option is OFF, the grids return to their original colours.

    The Auto Recolour Grids option is a temporary viewing tool. To save/share a recoloured view of a grid you can create a snapshot.

    Turn on Snap to Grid

    Click this button to automatically Snap to Grid when working in your map. The snapping grid origin is at the lower left corner of a map or map template and the snapping distance can be controlled using the Layout View Properties button.

    Show Snapping Grid

    Use this to toggle the visibility of the snapping grid. The units and snapping grid size are controlled by the Layout View Properties button.

    Show Ruler

    Use this to toggle the visibility of a ruler on the left and top sides of the map view. The units displayed on the ruler are controlled by the Layout View Properties button.

    Layout View Properties

    Click this button to set the resolution, units and other properties for snapping and rulers. The default is 5mm.

    The units set here define the units that are used for layout of maps and map templates and also affect coordinates and measurements displayed in the status bar for Base view operations (licensed version only).

    Create Snapshot

    Click this button to create a snapshot (or bookmark) of the current map extents, based on the coordinate system and units of the current map view.

    This option enables you to easily return to a favourite location on your map. For more information on managing your snapshots, see the Manage Snapshot help topic.

    Zoom Level Control (found on Status Bar at bottom right of map)

    This option enables the user to specify an estimation percentage of print size on screen (100%) or various other levels (for example, 400%, 200%, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%). The control also supports custom levels by typing a percentage in the control and pressing the Enter key.

    The zoom level reported here is related to the scale reported in the status bar. The scale shown in the status bar depends on the view selected. For example, for a 50% zoom reported or typed in the toolbar and a 1:500 scale data view:
    Base view selected: Status bar shows 1:2
    Data view selected: Status bar shows 1:1000

    Application Notes

    Oasis montaj provides configurable shortcut keys ('hotkeys') enabling quick and easy access to menu functions.

    To view or modify these settings, go to Map > Settings and select Configure Map Shortcut Keys. The interactive dialog provides the option to configure your own hotkeys or view the provided defaults.