Define Sortie Paths

Use the Define Sortie Paths option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.UAVSurvey.DefineSortiePaths;Run)*) from the UAV Merge Sorties > Plan Survey menu to calculate the sortie paths starting and ending at the takeoff locations.

Define Sortie Paths dialog options

Survey name

Select the survey you would like to work with from the list of available project surveys. Multiple surveys can be created within the same GPF.


Select subarea(s)

The project is cognisant of the subareas created thus far. From the list, select the subareas for which you would like the planned path calculated.


Extend outside subareas

Add an extension beyond the subareas to allow for the UAV to turnaround.


Load databases

Check this box to load the planned databases. By default, they will be loaded.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.LOAD_DATABASES [1- Load (default) , 0 - Do not load]

Display results on

You can display the planned paths on an existing map, or create individual maps, or simply not display them.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.MAP_DISPLAY [(0 - Do not display, 1- Display on map, 2 – Display individual sortie maps]

Map name

This is a contextual entry. If you have selected to display the results on a selected map, you will be prompted for the map name.


Application Notes

You may be running different scenarios to plan the same survey. Each scenario can be saved under a separate survey name in the same working folder. The files related to each survey are prepended by the survey name in order to avoid conflict.

Output Files

  • One GDB per subarea is created. The GDBs contain channels X,Y,Z, DEM. The GDB naming convention is Survey name_Subarea_Path.gdb. Pre-existing files are overwritten. GDBs are saved in the subfolder ProjectName_Planning.
  • One map per subareas is created. Each map contains the DEM, the subarea polygon, the takeoff location and the calculated path. The same colour zone is used for all subarea maps.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.