Survey Parameters

Use the Survey Parameters option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.UAVSurvey.SurveyParameters;Run)*) from the UAV Merge Sorties menu to collect the project parameters that are going to be called upon through the workflow.

Survey Parameters dialog options

Survey name

Provide a name for the survey. All interim files created by the UAV workflow will be prefixed by this string. Files produced by this workflow will be saved in a subfolder with this name.


Area of interest polygon file

Provide a geolocated polygon file defining the area of interest.


Coordinate system

The coordinate reference system (CS) to be used for the survey database is displayed here.

This is a contextual parameter. Initially set to "*unknown", it will be populated with the CS of your selected Area of interest polygon file or with the CS of the DEM grid selection if the polygon file is in geographic coordinates.

If both the polygon file and the DEM grid are in geographic coordinate systems, the Coordinate system field would remain undefined: click the Define button to invoke the Coordinate System tool and specify the coordinate system of the survey documents.


If a digital terrain grid covering the area of interest is available, select the DEM grid option. Otherwise, select the Constant elevation option.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.TERRAIN_SELECTION [0 – DEM grid (default), 1 – constant elevation]

DEM grid or Elevation datum

Depending on the above selection, you are prompted to either provide a DEM grid defining the Terrain or simply a constant, relative to sea level, to approximate the elevation.

The DEM grid will be reprojected "on the fly" to the CS specified in the Coordinate system field.




Terrain clearance

Specify the elevation of the sensor above the terrain.


Flight line azimuth (CW from N)

Enter the flight line azimuth direction in degrees, clockwise from North.


Flight line spacing

Specify the flight line spacing in the project ground units, as defined by the coordinate system.


Add tie lines

Providing the tie line parameters is optional. Check this box if tie lines are desired.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.ADD_TIE_LINES [0 – No (default), 1 – Yes]

Tie line spacing

This entry becomes enabled when Add tie lines is checked. Provide the tie line spacing in project ground units. By default, it will be set to 10 times the line spacing. You can reset this entry to its default value by clicking on the calculator button () located to the right of the field. The tie line label increment will be reset as well to its default value.


Display in

A projected ideal flight path is always created and can be displayed. This database file acts as a guideline to indicate the number of line and the total line kilometers covering the AoI, which could be used to size the project. Furthermore, the ideal flight path can be used for planning a survey.

3D: If checked, a 3D view displaying the terrain, the area of interest, and the ideal flight path will be created and opened in the current project workspace. This file will be named Survey name.geosoft_3dv. By default, this entry is not checked.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.DISPLAY_IN_3D [0 – do not create a 3DV (default), 1 – create a 3DV]

2D: If checked, a plan map displaying the terrain, the area of interest, and the ideal flight path will be created and opened in the current project workspace. This file will be named Survey By default, this entry is not checked.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.DISPLAY_IN_2D [0 – do not create a map (default), 1 – create a map]


All subsequent parameters have default settings. Should you wish to customize them, expand this section.

Line Definition

Sample spacing

This parameter is of essence if you opt to calculate a 3D drape path. Set the sample spacing to the resolution at which you would like to define the planned draped path. Otherwise, to simply calculate the start and end points for each line, set the sampling rate to a large value in the order of the diagonal across the Area of Interest (AoI).


Line extension outside AoI

Generally, in a geophysical survey, the turnarounds are executed at some distance outside the area of interest. Provide the required distance outside the area of interest to facilitate the turnaround. If the sensor is on a sling, then account for the required distance outside the area of interest required to stabilize the sensor.


Initial survey line number

The initial survey line number in the ideal flight path database. By default, this is set to 0. If an origin is defined, the line that crosses the origin is set to the initial line number. Otherwise, the bottom/ leftmost line will be set to the initial line number. Line numbers will increase in a left-handed coordinate system; line numbers will increase to the right when facing the survey line azimuth angle.


Survey line label increment

Survey line number increment between consecutive lines. If left blank, the increment will be set to the flight line spacing. The survey lines will be numbered relative to the flight line azimuth. By default, when facing in the direction of the specified azimuth, line numbers will decrease to the left and increase to the right. If this is not desirable, you can reverse the order by providing a negative Survey line label increment value.


Initial tie line number

If tie lines are produced, specify the initial tie line number. By default, this is set to 0. If you opted not to add tie lines, this entry will be disabled. If an origin is defined, the tie line that crosses the origin is set to the initial tie line number. Otherwise the bottom/ leftmost tie line will be set to the initial tie line number. Line numbers will increase in the direction normal to the survey line azimuth.


Tie line label increment

Tie line number increment between consecutive tie lines. If left blank, the increment will be set to the tie line spacing.

If you opted not to add tie lines, this entry will be disabled. If you would like to reverse the order of the tie line numbering, simply provide a negative Tie line label increment value.



Survey line X & Y

The X & Y coordinates of a point within or in the proximity of the AoI that a survey line must pass over. If specified, the initial survey line number will pass over this point. If the coordinates of the origin are not provided, these fields will be populated with the minimum X & Y values of the AoI bounding rectangle. The subsequent lines will then be named relative to this point.

The survey line origin values are automatically updated if a different Area of interest polygon file is selected.

Script Parameters:




Click on Locate if you would like to define the survey line origin on a map, specifically if the map contains visual of accessible areas. If no map is currently opened in your workspace, you will be prompted to enter a map name to load. When the map is displayed, you can use the shortcut keys (P-Pan, B-Zoom to box, Z-zoom in, X- zoom out, F-zoom to full extent, L-last view) to better focus on the point of reference area before left-clicking on the desired location. The coordinates of the origin will then populate the X & Y entries.

Tie line X & Y

This entry is enabled if Add tie lines has been checked. Define the coordinates of a point within or in the proximity of the AoI that a tie line must pass over. If specified, the initial tie line number will pass over this point.

If left blank, the tie line XY origin will default to the survey line XY origin.

The tie line origin values are automatically updated if a different Area of interest polygon file is selected.

Script Parameters:




See definition of [Locate] above.


Calculate drape survey altitude

Checking this option invokes the elevation drape calculation immediately after the flight path is generated. For each X&Y point, a drape value will be calculated in accordance to the provided parameters. By default, the drape altitude is not generated.

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.CALCULATE_DRAPE [ 0 – No (default), 1 – Yes]

Maximum climb angle (degrees)

The limiting angle of ascent the drone can travel. Any value in the range 0-90⁰ is acceptable. To define a near vertical ascent, enter 89. (If you enter 90 it will max out at 89.4 degrees).

If left blank, it defaults to the maximum internally.


Maximum descent angle (degrees)

The maximum angle of descent. If left blank, it defaults to the maximum internally.



Check this box to smooth the calculated drape.


Application Notes

This GX reads a Geosoft polygon file defining the boundary limits of the survey area, the line spacing, line azimuth, and optionally the sample spacing and origin. These are the project parameters shared by the subsequent GXs. In addition, two files are generated:

  1. An output log file containing the number and length of lines and the total line Km inside the Area of Interest as well as the turnaround skit.

  2. An ideal flight path database file covering the survey area.

The first line, labeled using the initial line number specified, will pass over the specified origin. All subsequent lines will be labeled incrementally using the line number increment specified. If the origin is not specified, it is set to the lower left point of the bounding rectangle of the polygon. The line numbers will increase in a left-handed coordinate system where the Y axis aligns with the survey line azimuth.

You may be running different scenarios to plan the same survey. Each scenario can be saved under a separate survey name in the same working folder. The files related to each survey are prepended by the survey name in order to avoid conflict.

In addition, this tool will set workspace parameters that will be used by subsequent tools of the workflow, such as the DEM grid and the projections.

Output Files

  • Planned database: an ideal planned database will be created that contains the XYZ path and if provided, the DEM channel. This database will be named Survey name_Master.gdb. The database will acquire the projection embedded in the DEM grid, should the grid possess one. The path will cover survey/tie lines and will optionally extend to cover the turnaround margin. Survey lines are labeled with an L and tie lines with a T.
  • Log file: the length of each survey/ tie line and the overall line kilometers of the proposed survey are reported in an ASCII log file. This file is named Survey name_SurveyReport.txt.
  • 2D map: it is recommended to plot the 2D map to verify the projected line path. This file is named Survey
  • 3D view: it is recommended to plot the 3D view; it helps to inspect the draped path. This file is named Survey name.3DV.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.