Move Takeoff Locations

Use the Move Takeoff Locations option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.UAVSurvey.MoveTakeoffLocation;Run)*) from the UAV Merge Sorties > Plan Survey menu to relocate the takeoff locations.

Move Takeoff Locations dialog options

Survey name

Select the survey you would like to work with from the list of available project surveys. Multiple surveys can be created within the same GPF.


Select subarea

You can update a series of takeoff points within the same invocation of this tool; it runs in a loop. In order to do so effectively, select the map of the entire area of interest, and as you click on the Locate button to relocate the takeoff point of  the next subarea, the map will automatically zoom on the selected subarea.

Subareas have unique names. From the drop-down list, select the one for which you wish to move the takeoff location. The takeoff location does not need to be inside the subarea. When selected outside the subareas, a white line joins it to the centre of the subarea it belongs to.


Plan map

Specify the plan map on which to select the new takeoff location. The map is zoomed on to the selected subarea.


Access point CSV file

If you have a CSV file with the location of the access points provide it here. These points are plotted on the above map as black X symbols, to guide you in selecting the location of the new takeoff point.


Update line path and coverage

The option is disabled if the planned paths have not been yet calculated.

When enabled, check this box if you wish to recalculate the planned path so that it starts and ends at the new takeoff location

Script Parameter: PLAN_UAV_SURVEY.UPDATE_LINE_PATH [0 – Do not update, 1 – Update]


Click the button to relocate the takeoff point of  the next subarea.

Application Notes

You may be running different scenarios to plan the same survey. Each scenario can be saved under a separate survey name in the same working folder. The files related to each survey are prepended by the survey name in order to avoid conflict.

It is recommended to select a map on which the takeoff locations and subarea polygons are displayed. Prior to selecting the new location (Left mouse click), you can use shortcut keys (P-Pan, Z- Zoom in, X- Zoom, L – Last view, F- Full map) to navigate on the map.

The confirmation is displayed on the selected map by moving the location symbol (Circle) to the new position.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.