The Voxel Viewer

When you display a voxel, either from the Voxel > Open menu or by selecting (double-clicking) a voxel name in the Project Explorer window, it will be displayed in the Voxel Viewer.   

The Voxel Viewer provides a quick way to view Geosoft voxels in a 3D environment. It consists of three main menus (Settings, Export, and Help), the Voxel Viewer window, and a Properties panel.

What Does the Voxel Viewer Do?

The name of the displayed voxel is provided in the title bar of the Voxel Viewer.

Click on the links below for more information on each menu option: 






Opens this Help topic




3D Settings: Display, Rendering, and Navigation









Display in 3D View


Voxel Viewer Navigation Toolbar

The following viewing and navigational tools are provided on the toolbar directly above the 3D Viewer window:


Click on the image above for instructions on how to use these navigation and viewing tools.

Most of the navigation tools are also available by right-clicking anywhere in the view.

The type of voxel selected, whether a data voxel, a vector voxel or a lithology voxel, will determine the parameters available in the Voxel Properties window.

Click on the voxel links below for information on the voxel properties and how to modify them: 


Data Voxel

Vector Voxel


Lithology Voxel

What information is Available on the Status Bar?

The status bar across the bottom of a Viewer captures useful information and displays helpful navigation hints under the following sections:

  • Coordinate System: the current coordinate system of the 3D document.
  • Location under the mouse cursor: the name of the object beneath the cursor and the (X,Y,Z) location of the cursor as you move it on the selected object.
    If the view is in motion (e.g., spinning, rotating, panning, zooming), the object identification and reporting of cursor coordinates are paused, and the status bar section will simply display "None". The information is reported back once the view is no longer in motion and you move the mouse over the visible object.
  • Location of the shadow cursor: the shadow cursor location when the Shadow Cursor mode is enabled on the 3D Viewer Toolbar.
    When the Shadow Cursor mode is enabled, clicking anywhere on the view sets the cursor position and sends it to any other open documents (e.g., maps, databases, 3D views).
  • Information about orientation and look-at point of the view: the inclination, azimuth and look-at point (centre of rotation) for the current view location.