Icons and Their Meanings

Leapfrog Works supports a large number of data types, and objects in the project tree use different icons to help you, at a glance, understand what these different data types are.

This topic is a catalogue of the icons used in the Leapfrog Works project tree, organised by project tree folder.

Note that this list is not comprehensive. To find more detailed information on a particular object and its history, right-click on it and select Properties, as described in Viewing Object Properties.


See the Defining a Topography topic for information on creating a topography that can be used as an upper boundary for other models built in Leapfrog Works.

GIS line on topography
GIS line from intersecting meshes on topography or GIS line from new drawing on topography
GIS point on topography
GIS polygon on topography
Imported or rendered map on topography
ESRI Geodatabase

GIS Data, Maps and Photos

See the GIS Data and Maps and Images topics for information on working with the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder.

GIS line
GIS line or GIS polygon text attribute
GIS line or GIS polygon numeric attribute
GIS line from intersecting meshes
GIS line from new drawing
GIS point
GIS point text attribute
GIS point numeric attribute
GIS polygon
Imported or rendered map

Borehole Data

See the Drilling Data and Working With Data Tables topics for an introduction to working with drilling data in Leapfrog Works.

Borehole set
Also an assay column, a numeric calculation, a merged table column or a screen number/screen ID column
Combined boreholes
All icons relating to combined boreholes are the same as those for a borehole set
Borehole traces or combined borehole traces
Borehole graphs or combined borehole graphs
Query or volume filter
Volume filter extents
Collar table, survey table, assay table, lithology table, interval values table
Collar column, combined collar column, category selection, colours
Lithology codes and colours, a category calculation or an interpretation table column
Imported points values, imported LAS data
LAS data borehole
Imported downhole planar structural data
Imported downhole lineations
Interpretation table
Composited table
Merged table
RGB to Hex colour calculation
Multiple deviation hole
Borehole group
Correlation Set


Design model
Design model layers codes and colours
Design model layer
Design model lines
Design model mesh
Design model mesh non-manifold edges
Design model mesh self intersections


Contact points
Contact points, intrusion points
Intrusion points, interval midpoints, guide points
Numeric column, numeric calculation or vertices extracted from a surface
Category column or category calculation
Date column
Query filter
Grid of Points



Geophysical Data

3D grid
2D points
2D grid or 3D SEG-Y in-lines slice, cross-lines slice or Z-slice
2D grid band, 3D SEG-Y or 2D SEG-Y
2D SEG-Y band
3D SEG-Y extents
Numeric column or ASEG_DFN
Category column
Date column

Structural Modelling

Planar structural data
Category column
Form interpolant
Form interpolant extents
Form interpolant trend
Form interpolant structural data
Structural trend


Mesh / elevation grid
Mesh border edges
Mesh non-manifold edges
Mesh self-intersections
Mesh extents
Mesh trend
Mesh polyline
Extruded mesh
2D interpolant mesh
Mesh created in Leapfrog Works from different data type, including interpolated meshes, triangulated meshes and merged meshes
Mesh resulting from mesh operations, including Boolean volume, clip mesh, clip volume

Geological Models

Basic Geological Models

The icons shown below are used for the basic geological model, before any contact surfaces or faults have been modelled. See Geological Models for information on how to create and work with geological models.

Geological model
Geological model boundary
Geological model extents
Topography / base used as boundaries
Lithologies codes and colours
Base lithology / other contacts
Base lithology / other contacts intervals
Surface chronology
Geological model output volume

Faulted Models

How to use a geological model’s fault system is described in the Building Faulted Models topic.

Fault system
Fault; expand fault to see the data inputs
Fault polyline
Fault block output volume

Surface Chronology and Surfaces

How to use a geological model’s surface chronology is described in the Building Surfaces Using the Surface Chronology topic. Each type of surface is described in a separate topic.

Surface chronology
Deposit surface
Erosion surface
Intrusion surface
Vein surface
Structural surface
Vein system
Stratigraphic sequence
Contact points
Contact intervals or intrusion points intervals
Surface values (deposit and erosion surfaces)
Intrusion points
Vein pinch-out errors
Refined geological model
Terminated vein
Vein hangingwall or vein footwall
Vein hangingwall/footwall points
Vein segments or vein pinch out segments
Vein midpoints
Vein reference surface
Vein boundary

Refined Models

How refined models are organised is described in the Refined Models topic.

Refined geological model
Geological model to refine, nested under a refined geological model
Lithology to refine/sub-model
Refined lithology boundary
Refined lithology codes and colours
Refined lithology surface chronology
Refined geological model or refined lithology output volume

Numeric Models

See the Numeric Models topic for an overview of building numeric models. Each type of numeric model is described in a separate topic.

Interpolant boundary
Interpolant extents
Topography used as boundary
Interpolant or distance function isosurface
Interpolant or distance function output volume
RBF interpolant or sub-interpolant
Distance function
Multi domained RBF interpolant
Inverse distance weighted grid interpolant
Indicator RBF interpolant codes and colours
Indicator RBF interpolant values
Composited or uncomposited RBF or multi-domained interpolant values
RBF or multi-domained interpolant values

Combined Models

See the Combined Models and Grouped Meshes topics for information on using the tools in the Combined Models folder.

Combined model
Model output volume to combine
Grouped mesh
Model codes and colours

Flow Models


See the MODFLOW Models topic for more information.

MODFLOW unstructured model
MODFLOW imported model
Gridded geological model
Flow model grid
MODFLOW imported model grid
2D grid
2D grid boundary or polygon feature
Reference object for the 2D grid boundary
MODFLOW line feature
MODFLOW point feature
Concentration values or head values


See the FEFLOW Models topic for more information.

FEFLOW model or FEFLOW model from 2D model
Gridded geological model or 2D FEFLOW grid
FEFLOW imported ASCII dac results model grid
FEFLOW model grid
2D grid or node
2D grid boundary or polygon feature
Reference object for the 2D grid boundary or FEFLOW line feature
FEFLOW point feature
FEFLOW imported ASCII fem model or FEFLOW imported ASCII dac results model
Simulation output

Saved Scenes, Movies and Markers

Marker comment
Marker name

Sections, Plans and Contours

Layout template
Cross section layout or plan view layout
Cross section layout copied from layout template
Cross section or cross section from image
Cross section image
Long section
Long section polyline
Long section sub-section
Serial section
Section of a serial section
Alignment serial section
Alignment serial section polyline
Section of an alignment serial section
Plan view
Contour lines from surface