Action Toolbar

This toolbar controls the current mouse action in the model panes. It is divided into four sections:


Undo the previous action.

The following mouse modes modify the model structure.

If the Communication Server is enabled, these modes report cursor location to other connected applications, like Oasis montaj.


Show cursor location in the status bar.


Move points on model surfaces by click-and-drag.


Activate the Move Group dialog to move a group of points in the model.


Add a point to a model surface by click-and-drag.


Remove a point from a model surface by clicking in it.


Split a model block into two blocks by clicking on an existing point, clicking none-to many times within the adjacent block, then clicking on a different existing point on another surface. At no time can the surface cross itself or another surface.


Joint two adjacent blocks together by removing the surface between them.


Click on a model object to view and/or change its properties. Click in blocks to view block properties, click on surfaces to view a spreadsheet of the surface points, or click on a surface point to view its coordinates.

These modes enable you to dynamically adjust the area being viewed. Changes to the horizontal scale affect all panes.


Click on a location in any pane to zoom in by a factor of 2X, centered on the selected location.


Click on a location in any pane to zoom out by a factor of 2X, centered on the selected location.


Click and drag a box in any pane to zoom in to that box.


Activate the Move Label dialog to adjust the locations of block labels.


Activate the Inversion Setup dialog to initiate an inversion session.