3D Viewer - Voxel Conversions Menu

The Voxel | Conversions menu in the 3D Viewer includes the following voxel conversion formats:

  • GDB to Voxel - Use the option to import a voxel from the current Geosoft Database.

  • GOCAD to Voxel - Use the option to import GOCAD Voxet files to a Geosoft Voxel.

  • UBC to Voxel - Use the option to import UBC 3D Model and MSH files to a Geosoft Voxel.

  • XYZ to Voxel - Use the option to import a Voxel from an XYZ file.

  • Datamine to Voxel - Use the option to import fields from a Datamine block model file to Geosoft Voxels.

  • Vulcan Block Model to Voxel(s) - Use the option to import a Vulcan Block Model to a Geosoft Voxel.