Create Maps

Oasis montaj provides comprehensive functionality for creating final professional quality maps—including, profiles, plans, sections, symbols, contours, 3-dimensional grids, ArcGIS MXD files, and other types of advanced map products. You can access much of the mapping functionality in Oasis montaj from the Map Tools menu.

Oasis montaj includes a Mapping Wizard to simplify the map making process. The wizard guides you through a series of dialog boxes that enable you to specify how you want to create the map. The Mapping Wizard uses an existing grid or database to define the extent (area) and scale of the map. Several mapping processes in Oasis montaj use the wizard to create a new map. This provides you with a familiar procedure whenever you create a map.

The first step in mapping your data is to create a new map. A new map is a blank map with the size, scale and name defined. Once you have created a blank map, you can then plot data, grids or other information to it. Elements you can add to a map include map surrounds, north arrows, coordinates and titles.

Along with creating new maps, Oasis montaj also provides a map template tool that simplifies map making by providing the ability to use standard map templates from the template library or interactively create customized map templates for use within Oasis montaj. Another mapping option is the Automated Map Sheets tool, which uses a Mapping Wizard to quickly and easily create map sheets.

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