GX Summary: Quick Description of each GX
A |
Use the ACQHOLE GX to import drillhole information from an acQuire database through ODBC connection. |
Use the ACQPOINT GX to import Point sample information from an acQuire database via ODBC connection. |
Use the Import ArcGIS LYR File GX to add a LYR file into the current Data view of the current map or into a new map with the extents of the Data view defined by the extents of the data referenced by the LYR. |
Add ArcGIS LYRX to Map GX |
Use the Import ArcGIS LYRX File GX to add a LYRX file into the current Data view of the current map or into a new map with the extents of the Data view defined by the extents of the data referenced by the LYRX. |
Use the AGABSGRAV GX to calculate absolute gravity |
Use the AGEOTVOS GX to calculate Eotvos correction |
Use the AGFACOR GX to calculate free air correction. |
Use the AGFREEAIR GX to calculate Free-air anomaly by summing up previously calculated Vertical Acceleration, Eotvos, Tide (optional), Latitude, and Free-air corrections. |
Use the AGGGRID GX to create a Geosoft colour grid from an Aggregate. |
Use the AGIMPGPS GX to Import GPS data file into a new database. |
Use the AGIMPGRAV GX to Import gravity data file into a new database. |
Use the AGLATCOR GX to calculate latitude correction. |
Use the AGMERGE GX to merge GPS data into gravity database. |
Use the AGRECALC GX to recalculate gravity from raw data |
Use the AGTIDECOR GX to calculate earth-tide correction. |
Use the AGTOTCOR GX to calculate total corrected Free-air anomaly in one step. |
Use the AGVACCOR GX to calculate Vertical Acceleration (Vacc) correction. |
Use the ANOMPICK GX to pick anomalies from one channel or a selection of channels. |
Use the Array Channel Profile Viewer to view Array data. |
Use the ARROWS GX to plot arrow vectors based on X and Y direction channels. |
Use the AVGREPXY GX to average the values in a given channel which appear at repeating locations in a line. |
B |
Use the BALLOON GX to plot a text balloon on a map. |
Use the BANDPASS GX to apply a band-pass filter to a channel. |
Use the BASEMAP2 GX to define the layout for the current map surrounds. This GX is implemented as a wizard that runs several different dialogs depending on which map style layout you choose. |
Use the BGCON GX to create a grid using bi-directional line gridding from a BIGRID control file. |
Use the Grid Data tool to create a new grid file using the bi-directional gridding method. |
Use the BRKLINE GX to break a line into component lines based on line numbers in a reference channel. |
Use the BSPLINE GX to calculate a B-spline interpolation of data in a channel. A B-spline allows you to control the smoothness of the spline and the tension applied to the ends of the spline. |
C |
Use CGMOPTIONS GX to set the options for exporting a map to CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile). |
Use the CHANPOFF GX to un-protect all channels. |
Use the CHANPROT GX to protect all channels. |
Use the CHAPPEND GX to append a working assay database to a master geochemical database. |
Use the CHATTRIB GX is used to set ASSAY channel attributes. |
This GX enables you to view and change attribute information associated with assay data in a Geosoft database. Information for the currently selected channel in an open database is displayed. |
The CHBAR GX is used plot bar symbols that can represent 1-8 different channel values at each point. The CHBAR GX plots a bar graph where the height of each bar scales linearly with the data values. The three plots make use of virtually the same parameters, including colours and scaling factors, so they may be used one after another, with minimal need for re-definition of values. |
Use the CHROSELEG, CHPIELEG and CHBARLEG GXs to plot a legend for the Rose, pie and bar symbol plots. |
Use the CHBOXPLOT GX to create a box plot of the selected assay data |
Use the CHCHANCOLOR GX to colour channels based on percentage breaks in the data. |
This GX allows you to view and change attribute information associated with assay data in a Geosoft database. Information for the currently selected channel in an open database is displayed. |
Use the CHCLASS GX to plot classified colour symbols on the current map. Run the GX from the Plot Classified Colour Symbols button on the Histogram Analysis tool. |
Use the CHCLEARMASK GX to set all values in the Mask channel to 1. |
Use the CHCLSYMB GX to plot classified symbols. There are 6 dialog boxes with this GX. |
Use the CHCLSYMB2 GX to plot classified symbols, using one channel to determine the colours, and another channel to give the sizes. |
Use the CLEAREXTMASK GX to remove a group mask from a view. |
Use the CHCORREL GX to calculate the Pearson’s correlation between data channels and plot results in a correlation table on a map. |
The CHCREATE GX is run from within the CHIMPORT and CHIMPLAB GXs to create a new database file. |
Use the CHDUP GX to extract duplicates from a new laboratory database and add the duplicates to the end of a duplicates database. |
Use the CHDUPREP GX to display a graphical report of duplicate results. |
This GX allows you import ASSAY channel attribute data stored in a CSV file. This is a fast way to set channel attributes on different geochemistry databases. |
Use the CHGRPPLY GX to create or update a mask channel from a group inside a map. |
Use the first dialog box of the CHIMPLAB GX to import a single lab assay batch to a database. The data must currently be contained in an ASCII tabular file or in a supported database. |
Import geochemical field survey data to a Geosoft database. Field survey information may be contained in a tabular ASCII file (including Excel CSV format files), an external database table, or the clipboard |
Use the CHLEVEL GX to create a duplicate database from the current database, and level values in the ASSAY channels based on categories or classes defined in a string-type channel. |
Use the CHLIMASK GX to create or update a mask channel based on values matched from any other channel. |
Use the CHLINE GX to plot and label survey lines. |
Use the CHMASKRANGE GX to set the mask channel depending on the whether values in a specified channel are within a specified range. |
Merge the information from a Survey database into an Assay database. |
Use the CHMHIST GX to make multi histogram plots on a map. |
Use the CHMSCAT GX to make multi scatter plots on a map. |
Use the CHMPROB GX to make multi probability plots on a map. |
Use the CHNORM GX to normalize one or more ASSAY class channels. |
Use the CHPCOMP GX to perform a principal component analysis. |
Use the CHPCSYNTH GX to re-synthesize a data set from a subset of its principal components. |
The CHPIE GX is used to plot pie symbols, which can represent 1-8 different channel values at each point. The CHPIE GX creates Pie-plot symbols where the angle of each pie section represents the relative sizes of the different channel values. |
Use the CHROSELEG, CHPIELEG and CHBARLEG GXs to plot a legend for the Rose, pie and bar symbol plots. |
Use the CHPOLY GX to create a mask channel based on a polygon or rectangle mask file. |
Use the CHPOST GX to post a channel on a map. |
Use the CHPREFERENCES GX to customize montaj Geochemistry behaviour. |
Use the CHPRHIST GX to print a histogram plot. |
Use the CHPROF GX to draw profiles of channel values for all selected lines in a database. |
Use the CHPROJ GX to edit the project information of a Geochemistry project stored in a Geosoft Database. |
Use the CHPROPSYMB GX to place proportionally scaled symbols on your map. |
Use the CHPRPROB GX to print a probability plot. |
Use the CHPRSCAT GX to print a scatter plot |
Use the CHPRSTAT GX is used to print ASSAY channel statistics to a CSV file. |
Use the CHPRTRI GX to print a Triplot |
The CHRANGECATDB GX creates a duplicate database from the current database, and transforms the values in the ASSAY channels to integer values 0 to N, based on N input percentile values and the values’ location in the range of data for each channel. |
Use the CHREDISPLAYASSAY GX to unload and reload assay channels, especially for sorting the channels alphabetically, or loading all assay channels at once. |
The CHROSE GX is used to plot rose symbols, which can represent 1-8 different channel values at each point. The CHROSE GX create Rose (or Sector) plots, which are similar to Pie plots, but each section has an equal angle, but the radius of individual segments scales with the data value. |
Use the CHROSELEG, CHPIELEG and CHBARLEG GXs to plot a legend for the Rose, pie and bar symbol plots. |
This GX allows you export ASSAY channel attribute data to a CSV file. This is a fast way to transfer channel attributes to different Geochemistry databases. |
Use the CHSCAT GX to plot one channel against another, and interactively interrogate the data plotted on a map and contained within the database. |
Use the CHSTAT GX to calculate the summary statistics of a selected channel. |
Use the CHSTND GX to extract standards from a new laboratory database and add the standards to the end of a standards database. |
Use the CHSTNREP to create a graphical standards report from a standards database. |
Create a new SUBSET database from a Master database. The subset database will only include data that is not dummy in the Mask channel. |
Use the CHSUBSET GX to plot geochemical sample locations. Location plots are used to represent the spatial distribution of sample locations on a map. When you use this functionality, the system searches the currently selected database for x and y locations and plots a specified symbol on the currently selected map. |
Use the CLASSLEG GX to place a legend describing the graduated colour symbol scheme on your map. If the CLASYMB GXCLASYMB_GX was used to create the colour symbols, use this GX to create the legend. |
Use the CLASYMB GX to plot symbols classified on data ranges. |
Use the CLASSIFY GX to plot classified symbols based on a classification channel prepared using CLASSIFY GX. |
Use the CLEARMASK GX to clear the clip area in a view. |
Use the CLOSEGDB GX to close the current database. |
Use the CLOSEMAP GX to close the current map. |
Use the ColourBar GX.NET to create a horizontal or vertical legend bar for a colour grid or a colour-shaded grid image. |
Use the COLSYMB GX to place coloured symbols on your map. Symbols can be fixed size, or sized in proportion to data values. |
Use the Contour from a Control File option (CONTCON GX) to draw contours on a map using a specified grid file and existing contour control file. |
Use the CONTOUR GX to draw contours on a map using a specified grid. |
Use the COPY GX to copy one channel to another. |
Use the COPYLINE GX to copy an entire line in the database to a new line. |
Use the COPYMAP GX to copy the current map to the clipboard. |
Use the COPYMASK GX to copy one channel to another, using a mask channel to set values. |
Use the CSLEGEND GX to place a legend describing the graduated colour symbol scheme on your map. The user must input an AGG, ITR or ZON file with the colour-value relationship. |
Use this dialog to create a base map from your own custom MAPPLOT control file. |
D |
The DAPMAP GX will create a default base map for a specified latitude/longitude area. |
Use the DBACTLOG GX to edit the comment block of a database file. |
This GX closes all currently open maps. |
Use the DBGENABLE GX to enable the GX debugger for all subsequent GX runs. |
Use the DBMERGE GX to merge the contents of one database into another. |
Use the DBSUBSET GX to create a new SUBSET database from the current database. |
Use the DecimateChannels GX to decimate/remove values from one or multiple database channels at the same time. |
Use the DELCHAN GX to delete a channel from a database. |
Use the DELLINE GX to delete a line or a set of lines from a database. |
Use the DELLINES GX to delete a line or group, or all selected lines and groups from a database. |
Use the DHCLEAN GX to delete holes not registered in the collar table. |
Use the DHCLEARMASK GX to initialize or re-initialize the mask channel value, or to create a new mask channel. |
Use the DHCOMPOSITEDB GX to create a composite database from an input From-To assay database. |
Use the DHCONVERT GX to convert an old-style Wholeplot database into a new Drillhole project. |
Use the DHDELHOLES GX to delete holes from a Target Drillhole project. |
Use the DHEDITMAP GX to launch the appropriate tabbed dialog (Plan, Section or Strip Log) to modify parameters in a currently open Drillhole map. |
Use the DHEDRCD GX to add or edit rock codes for a drillhole. |
Use the DHEXPCSV GX to export a drillhole project to Comma Separated Files (CSV). |
Use the DHEXPDB GX to export data to a Microsoft Access database (MDB). |
Use the DHEXPORTLAS GX to export a drillhole project to a LAS version 2 file. |
Use the DHEXPSHP GX to export a drillhole project to ArcView 3D Shape Files (CSV). |
Use the DHEXPSURPACGD GX to export drill-hole data to a Surpac Geological Database Microsoft Access database (MDB). |
Use the DHHOLE GX to edit drillholes in a drillhole database. |
Use the DHIMPDATAPARAM GX to import data plot meta-data information into a drill-hole project. |
Use the DHOPENPRJ GX to select from the available drill projects in the specified directory, and load the constituent databases into the current project. |
Use the DHIMPASC GX to import drillhole ASCII files, and the DHIMPDB GX to import XLS/Database files into a Target project. These GXs call the DHIMPORT GX. |
Use the DHIMPORTLAS GX to import LAS format files into a Geosoft drillhole project. |
Use the DHKRIGRID GX to set advanced options for kriging (KRIGRID) gridding algorithm. |
Use the DHLIMASK GX to create or update a mask channel based on values matched from any channel. |
Use this GX to select data in a Target database, using the polygon selection tool on a plan or section map. |
Use the DHMASKRANGE GX to set the mask channel depending on the whether values in a specified channel are within a specified range. |
Use the DHNEWPRJ GX to create a new drillhole project and its associated Geosoft Database. This is the first step in loading drillhole data. |
Use the DHNHOLE GX to create new drillholes in a drillhole database. |
Use the DHPLAN GX to create a plan plot of drillholes. A plan plot is a 2-D horizontal map of the drillholes over the exploration target. |
Use the DHPLSECT GX to trace the outline of a section or sections on a plan map. |
Use the DHPREFERENCES GX to customize Drillhole behaviour. |
Use the DHQAQC GX to perform Quality Control and Quality Assurance tests on drillhole databases. |
Use the DHRANGRID GX to set advanced options for the minimum curvature (RANGRID) gridding algorithm. |
Use the DHREFRESH GX to refresh the constituent drill project databases from the original data sources. |
Create one or more cross-section plots of drillhole data. A cross-section plot is a slice of the ground, which is normally vertical but may also swing away from the vertical. Section plots display both drill-hole traces and observation data in a variety of formats, including simple postings, profiles, bar plots and colour or patterned bands. |
Use the DHSELCOLLAR GX to select holes based on values in a channel in the collar table. |
Use the DHSLAREA GX to select holes based on area on a plan map. |
Use the DHSELECTPLY GX to select holes based on an area described in a polygon file. |
Use the DHSLLOAD GX to load hole selections from a selection file. |
Use the DHSLNAME GX to select holes by name with wild-card characters. |
Use the DHSLSAVE GX to save current hole selections to a selection file. |
Use the DHSTRUCTCODES GX to add to or edit a structure codes file. |
Use the DHSUBSETPROJ GX to export a subset of a drillhole project to a new drillhole project. |
Use the DIFF GX to calculate differences between values in a channel. |
Use the DIGIT GX to digitise points from a map and place them in an ASCII XYZ file. |
Use the DIGITPROFOPT GX to view or alter the current settings for Targets list, output channel and symbols. |
Use the DISTCHAN GX to calculate a distance channel from provided X and Y channels. The first point on each line is at distance 0 and subsequent points are calculated from the cumulative distance down the line. |
Use the DISTFID GX to create a distance-based channel from a fiducial-based channel. |
Use the DataMine GX to plot DataMine polygons to Drillhole Sections for editing. |
Use the DUMREP GX to convert repeating values in a channel to dummies. |
Use the DUPMAP GX to create a duplicate copy of current map. |
E |
Use the E3ANEULER GX to apply An-Eul method to determine the source depths and structural indexes of a list of anomaly locations in the current database. |
Use the E3ASIG GX to compute the analytic signal grid from existing derivative grids. |
Use the E3DECON GX to apply Euler depth deconvolution as a tool for potential field interpretation. |
Use the E3MGRGRD GX to create a gravity or total field magnetic grid (.GRD) file using the minimum curvature gridding method. |
Use the E3PEAKS GX to automatically select solution picks from a grid. |
Use the E3PREP GX to compute x, y, and z derivatives of an input grid. This is a necessary first step in Euler deconvolution. |
Use the E3UBSET GX to copy a subset of the solutions list to a new solutions list. |
Use the E3WINDCL GX to clear (deselect) all results from the database created by E3DECON GX |
Use the E3WINDOW GX to remove certain solutions if they exceed acceptable limits of depth, weight, or other parameters. |
Use the E3WINDRS GX to select all solutions to plot from the database created by E3DECON GX |
Use the E3XYEULER GX to apply Euler depth deconvolution as a tool for potential field interpretation. |
Use the EDIT GX to launch a Windows editor to edit an ASCII file. |
Use the EDITLINE GX to edit line information for all selected lines. This is useful for changing line types, flight numbers or dates for a group of lines in a database. |
Use the EXPASEG GX to export data to a ASEG-GDF format with full support of projection. Either displayed data channels or all data channels may be exported. Additionally, you can export the displayed line, selected lines, or all lines. If the output files already exist, they will be overwritten. |
Use the EXPDATAMINESTR GX to export selected map group line work to a Datamine string (*.dm) file. |
Use the EXPDB GX to export data to a Microsoft Access database (MDB). |
Use the EXPDXF3D GX to export selected map groups to a 3D DXF file. |
Use the EXPGBN GX to export data to a Microsoft Access database (MDB). Either displayed data channels or all data channels may be exported. Additionally, you can export the displayed line, selected lines, or all lines. If the output files already exist, they will be overwritten. |
Use the EXPGEN GX to export data to several formats. Either displayed data channels or all data channels may be exported. Additionally, you can export the displayed line, selected lines, or all lines. If the output files already exist, they will be overwritten. |
Use the EXPORT GX to export data to a Geosoft XYZ file. |
Use the EXPSHP GX to export a GDB database to a shapefile (or files) |
Use the EXPSURPACSTR GX to export selected map group line work to a Surpac STR file |
Use the EXPUBCVOX GX to export a Geosoft Voxel to a UBC Mesh/Mod file. |
Use the EXPXYZVOX GX to export a Geosoft Voxel to an XYZ file. |
F |
Use the FFT1MULT GX to apply multiple 1D Fast-Fourier Transform filters to a channel. |
Use the FFT2FLT GX to apply filters to an FFT2D image and inverse FFT2D back. |
Use the FFT2IN GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform to an image. |
Use the FFT2PREP GX to prepare your grid for FFT processing. |
Use the FFT2PSPC GX to calculate power spectrum of an FFT2 Transform image. |
Use the FFT2RSPC GX to calculate radially averaged power spectrum of an FFT2 Transform image. |
Use the FFT2SMAP GX to create a spectrum profile map from spc file generated by fft2D (magmap). |
Use the FFTAS GX to calculate the Analytic Signal of a potential field (magnetic or gravity) profile. |
Use the FFTBANDP GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Band-Pass filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTBUTTW GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Butterworth filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTCONT GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Continuation filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTCOSN GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Cosine Roll-off filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTDENS GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Apparent Density filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTGAUSS GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Gaussian filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTHIGHP GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform High-Pass filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTHZDRV GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Horizontal Derivative filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTHZINT GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Horizontal Integration filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTIN GX to transform a channel from the space domain to the frequency domain. Three output channels are created. They will have the same name as the input channel but extension "_r" and "_i" for real and imaginary components of the transform, and "_w" for the wavenumber in radians/fiducial. |
Use the FFTLOWP GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Low-Pass filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTOUT GX to transform from the frequency domain to the space domain. |
Use the FFTPREP GX to apply FFT pre-processing procedures to a channel so that the pre-processed channel may be visually inspected. |
Use the FFTPSPEC GX to calculate the log power spectrum of a channel. |
Use the FFTRPOLE GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Reduction to the Magnetic Pole filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTSAMP GX to set channel data sampling parameters for 1-D FFT. |
Use the FFTSUSC GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Apparent Susceptibility filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTVDRV GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Vertical Derivative filter to a channel. |
Use the FFTVINT GX to apply a Fast-Fourier Transform Vertical Integration filter to a channel. |
Use this dialog to create a figure map style base map. |
This GX prints one or more files |
Use the FILTER GX to apply a convolution filter to a channel. The filter can be defined in a filter file or in a comma delimited string. |
Use the FULLEV GX to adjust the values of an input channel by adding a correction defined in a error channel. The correction is linearly interpolated between defined values. |
G |
Use the GBN GX to import Geosoft Binary Format data. |
Use the GEO32 GX to run a process, such as an executable file (*.exe) or a batch file (*.bat). |
Use the GPFCMNT GX to edit the comment block of a Geosoft Project (*.GPF) file. |
Use the GPSGAP GX to fill gaps in differential GPS channels by interpolating the raw GPS data within those gaps. |
Use the GPSLOAD GX to load differential GPS locations from a Geosoft ASCII table into differential positioning channels of the database. The differential correction data must be contained in a Geosoft Table File that contains at least Date, Time, X, Y and Alt fields. |
Use the GRAPPEND GX to append a single gravity survey database to a master gravity database. |
The GRBASE GX will open or create a base station database that will be used with the current survey project. A base station database contains the absolute gravity and longitude/latitude locations of established gravity base stations that will be used for the current gravity project. |
Use the GRCALFILE GX to create a calibration table file from an existing calibration data file that is in some other format. |
Use the GRCALIB GX to create a calibration table from a calibration survey database. |
Use the GRCG3 GX to convert a CG3 instrument dump file to a RAW format file. |
Use this GX to download a GG-3 instrument over the serial port of your computer. |
Replaced by the Gravity Corrections GX to carry out the drift correction component of a gravity reduction. |
Use the GRID2ARRAYGDB GX to import grid data into a new or existing database. |
You can use the Grid Outline option (GRID2PLY GX) to find edge points in a grid image and either save the edges in a polygon file or draw the edges on the current map. |
Use the GRID2PLY GX to find edge points in a grid image and either save the edges in a polygon file or draw the edges on the current map. |
Use the GRIDAGC GX to apply automatic gain compensation to a grid. After isolating signal and background components in the input grid for a given window size, a correction is applied to the signal component in order to equalize its amplitude over the grid. |
The GRIDASIG GX calculates the analytic signal of a grid. |
Use the GRIDBASE GX to subtract a base level from a grid. |
Use the GRIDBOOL GX to mask one grid against another to produce a new output grid. |
Use the GRIDCALC GX to apply an expression to grid files. Expressions work on a grid point-by-point basis. |
Use the CopyConvertMultiGrids GX to copy or convert grids. |
Use the GRIDFILL GX to interpolate a grid to fill all dummy areas. |
Use the GRIDFILT GX to apply a 9-point filter to a grid using any number of passes. |
Use the GRIDFLTN GX to apply a NxN ( N = 5, 7 or 9 ) symmetric filter to a grid using any number of passes. |
Use the GRIDFLT5 GX to apply a 5x5 symmetric filter to a grid using any number of passes. |
Use the GRIDGDB GX to import grid data into new or existing databases. |
Use the GRIDGRAD GX to calculate the grid gradient amplitude, or in a specified direction. |
Use the GRIDHIST GX to plot a grid histogram. |
Use the GRIDIMG1 GX to place a single grid image on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMG2 GX to place an aggregate of 2 grid images on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMG3 GX to place an aggregate of 3 grid images on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMG3D GX to place a single grid image on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMG4 GX to place an aggregate of 4 grid images on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMGS GX to place a colour-shaded grid image on a map. |
Use the GRIDIMGT GX to place a ternary colour image on the map. A ternary colour image maps each primary colours to the amplitudes of a single input grid. The user may choose the the cyan-magenta-yellow model (CMY), the red-green-blue model (RGB). |
Use the GRIDKNITPATH GX to plot the grid suture path on a map. |
Use the GRIDMASK GX to create a Mask Grid file using polygon coordinates defined in a separate file. The polygon coordinates reference the input grid file. The region of the input grid file inside (or outside) the polygon is masked out - i.e. replaced by dummies. |
Use the GRIDMUL2 GX to multiply two grids together. |
Use the GRIDMULT GX to multiply a grid by a constant. |
Use the GRIDPEAK GX to find peaks in a grid file. |
Use the GRIDPROF GX to extract a data profile from a grid and place it in a new line of the current database. |
Use the GRIDRAT GX to compute the ratio of two grids. |
Given an existing grid file in a defined map projection, you can use the GRIDREPJ GX to create a new grid file in a different map projection. The GX is implemented as a Wizard that has 5 steps: |
Use the Sample a Grid GX.NET to sample a grid at specified X,Y locations and create a new channel that contains the sampled grid data. |
Use the GRIDSECTION GX to create a grid from section data stored in a single line. |
Use the GRIDSHAD GX to create a shaded relief image from a grid. |
Use the GRIDSTAT GX to report and modify information about a grid, including simple statistical information and coordinate system information. |
Use the GRIDSTCH GX to stitch together two grids into a single grid. |
Use this dialog to specify trend removal options. |
Use this dialog to specify regional trend removal options. |
Use this dialog to specify interpolation options. |
Use this dialog to specify suture options. |
Use the GRIDSUB GX to subtract one grid from another. |
Use the GRIDTRND GX to remove a Trend Surface from a Grid |
Use the GRIDTRNS GX to transpose a grid by swapping the grid rows with the grid columns. |
Use the GRIDVALUE GX reports the grid value at a selected location from up to four grid files. |
Use GRIDVD GX to apply vertical derivative convolution filter to a grid. |
Use the GRIDVOL GX to calculate the volume of space defined by a grid surface, above and below a base of reference. |
Use the GRIDWIND GX to create a Grid from a rectangular mask in a larger Grid (up to 16,000 x 16,000). |
Use the GRIDXPND GX to expand a grid by adding dummies to the new expanded region beyond the edges of the old grid. This is designed mainly to provide a bordering area to be filled by GRIDFILL in preparation for MAGMAP. |
Use the GRIDZONE GX to create a colour zone file from statistics compiled from up to 5 grids. |
Base station data can be loaded/imported into the base station database either from an existing Geosoft Database or from a comma delimited text file that contains base station information. Each base station will have the following information |
Location data can be loaded/imported into the location database either from an existing Geosoft Database or from a comma delimited text file that contains location information. Each location will have the following channel |
The GRLL2XY GX will convert longitude/latitude coordinates to X/Y coordinates on a projected map or local coordinate system. |
Merge the location data from a location database into a gravity survey database. |
Merge the location data from a location database into a gravity survey database. |
Calculate the polygonal area of all polygons contained in a map group. |
Use the GRREGTER GX to create a regional terrain correction grid for a survey. A regional terrain correction grid is calculated over a survey area based on a regional Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and at the resolution of a local, more detailed DEM. |
Use the GRPARM GX to enables you to view and modify the gravity project parameters. |
Use the DHPROJ GX to edit the project information of a drillhole project stored in a Geosoft Database. |
Use the GRREGTER GX to create a regional terrain correction grid for a survey. A regional terrain correction grid is calculated over a survey area based on a regional Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and at the resolution of a local, more detailed DEM. |
The GRREPEAT GX will find all repeat readings in the master database based on the Station number, or combined Line and Station number. It calculates averaged values and displays repeat statistics for the survey. Repeat statistics can also be reviewed in a text report file. |
Use GRTERAIN GX to calculate terrain corrections. The terrain correction results will be placed in the Output Terrain Correction Channel (by default "Terrain" channel). |
Use the GRUKOA GX to load location information from a UKOA file into a gravity database. |
The GRXY2LL GX will convert projected map or local coordinate system X/Y coordinates to longitude/latitude. |
The surveying of gravity station locations is often carried out separately from the gravity survey. This GX will allow you to create a location database that contains the gravity survey locations alone. The locations can be merged with the raw survey data as part of the drift correction, or they can be merged into any database that contains a "Station" channel. The location database can also be used to create maps to show the planned locations of gravity stations before or during the collection of gravity readings. |
Use the GSRUN GX to run a script from the Oasis montaj interface. |
Use the GSTSTAT GX to calculate the summary statistics of a selected channel. |
Use the GXRUN GX to run another GX. |
H |
Use the HEADING GX to apply a heading correction to data for a systematic shift (in the data) that is a function of the direction of travel for a survey line. |
The HGDIMG GX will create a hypergrid (HGD) file from a large grid or image file. |
The HGDMOSAIC GX will create a hypergrid (HGD) file from a set of grids that together make up a mosaic of a larger area. |
Use the HIGHPASS GX to apply a high-pass (sharpening) filter to a channel. |
Use the HILBERT GX to do Hilbert transform for a channel by means of FFT. |
The HXYZGDB GX is used to create an HXYZ (HyperXYZ ) database from a Geosoft random point database. This point format was designed as an optimized read-only format for DAP servers and supports compression, fast windowing and multithreading. |
The HXYZSQL GX will create a HXYZ (HyperXYZ) file from a SQL database query. |
Use the IGRF Channel GX.NET to compute the IGRF or DGRF field strength, inclination and declination from given longitude, latitude and elevation channels. The line date is used as the model date. |
Use the IGRF at a Point GX.NET to calculate IGRF and DGRF model values for a single point at a specified date. |
The IMGORIENT3D GX lets you set up or modify the orientation of a grid in 3D space. |
Use the IMPAMIRA GX to import an AMIRA file into a Geosoft Database. |
Use the IMPARC GX to import record formatted ASCII data into an Oasis montaj™ database. IMPARC requires a template file that describes the format of the ASCII data. ASCII data may be fixed-field formatted, or free-format delimited by commas or white space. |
Use the Import ASCII File GX to import ASCII data files into the current database or a new database. |
Use the IMPASEG GX to import ASEG-GDF data. |
Geosoft’s database table import assumes that the database is a Microsoft Access database (with a .mdb file type). If it is not, the system prompts you for a database type (any of the following): |
Use the IMPDB2 GX to import all tables in an external database into a database as lines. |
Use the IMPDBVOX GX to import a voxel from the current Geosoft Database. |
Use the IMPGOCADVOX GX to import GOCAD Voxet files to a Geosoft Voxel. |
Use the IMPMAXPLATE GX to import a Maxwell Plate model description file into a 3D map. |
Use the IMPODBC GX to import external ODBC database tables into a database. |
Import ODDF Express Data dialog options |
Use the Import GOCAD Surface GX to plot a GOCAD surface it to a map. |
Use the Import XYZ File GX to import Geosoft formal XYZ files into a database. |
Use the IMPORTARC GX to import an ArcView shapefile into Oasis montaj. The "attribute" data is stored to the current database, while the geographic information is written to the current map. |
Use the IMPORTBB GX to import blocked binary data into an Oasis montaj™ database. This can also be used to import RMS data. |
Use the IMPORTDGN GX to import a Microstation DGN file into Oasis montaj. |
Use the IMPORTDXF3D GX to import an AutoCAD DXF file into a 3D view. |
Use the IMPORTMI GX to import a MapInfo TAB file into Oasis montaj_. The "attribute" data is stored to the current database, while the geographic information is written to the current map. |
Use the IMPOST GX to import USGS POST files. |
Use the IMPSURPAC GX to import a Surpac STR or DTM file into an Oasis montaj map. |
Use the IMPUBCMODMSH GX to UBC 3D Model & MSH files to a Geosoft Database. |
Use the IMPUBCVOX GX to import UBC 3D Model & MSH files to a Geosoft Voxel. |
Use the IMPXYZVOX GX to import a Voxel from an XYZ file. |
Use the Interactive MAGMAP Filter Design to display a radially averaged power spectrum of an FFT2 Transform image, a selected filter profile and the resultant (filtered) power spectrum profile and to interactively preview the original and filtered grids. |
Use the INTERP GX to replace all dummies in a channel by linear, cubic spline or max. entropy prediction interpolation. |
Use the Levelling Intersections GX NET to create an intersection table. |
The IP3DVIEW GX will either create a new 3D View on a map from existing pseudo-sections plotted on an IP map. |
Use the IPCLEARMASK GX to set all values in the Mask channel to 1. |
Use the IPDUP GX to average duplicate samples in a database. |
Use the IPEXPIPDATA GX to export lines from the current database to Geosoft IPDATA files. |
Use the IPEXPRESIX GX to export lines from the current database to Interpex I2X format files. |
Use the IPEXPRESIX GX to export lines from the current database to Interpex I2X format files. |
Use the IPIMPGRID GX to import data from a grid file. |
Use the IPEXPSGDFGX to export lines from the current database to a Scintrex Geophysical Data Format (SGDF) file. |
Use the IPGRIDN GX to subset an IP database, based on "N" value, then to grid and display the grid to a new map. |
Use IPIMP1RESIX GX to import data from a single Interpex I2X format file to a specified line. |
Use the IPIMPORT GX to import IP file data into a database. |
Use this dialog box to import IP data from an instrument dump file. |
Import IP data from a Geosoft IPDATA format file. |
Import IP data from a Geosoft IPRED format file. |
Use this dialog box to import IP data from a Scintrex Geophysical Data Format (SGDF) file. |
Use this dialog box to import IP data from a Zonge FLD file. |
Use this dialog box to input a scaling factor to convert station number to line position. |
Import IP data from a Zonge AVG file. |
Use this dialog box to specify parameters not explicitly set in a dump file. |
Specify parameters not explicitly set in a dump file. |
Use the IPIMPGRID GX to import data from a grid file. |
Use the IPLINENUM GX to alter the internally stored IP line number. (Special Utility). |
Use the IPLNINFO GX to set distant electrode parameters for the current line in the database. This GX is sensitive to the array type (i.e. Dipole-Dipole, Pole-Dipole, Pole-Pole and Gradient) and displays for adjustment only the relevant parameters for each type. |
Use the IPPSPLOT GX to plot one or more pseudo-section maps or grid sections. Map names are constructed from the line number and the channel specified in the control file; e.g. L1000_IP_Avg.map. |
Use the IPPSSTAK GX to plot a stacked pseudo-section map, including sections from the selected lines, plotted on a plan map. |
Use the IPQC GX to perform quality-control operations on "raw" samples in the current IP database. |
Use the IPRESIXZONGE 1 to set parameters for the Interpex RESIX IP2DI image inversion. For a description of individual parameters, consult the RESIX IP2DI manual. |
Use the IPRESIXZONGE GX to process and invert channels of data using the Interpex RESIX IP2DI program. |
Use the IPSETUP GX to set default values for the IP System. Some parameters, such as the positions of distant electrodes, may not be found in instrument dump files, and may be initialized here. |
Use this dialog box to setup parameters for a Dipole-Dipole survey. |
Use this dialog box to setup parameters for a Pole-Dipole survey. |
Use this dialog box to setup parameters for a Pole-Pole survey. |
Use this dialog box to setup parameters for a Gradient survey. |
Some channels contain data input from an instrument or data file. Others, such as the X and Y positions, or calculated resistivity values, are derived from the input data. These parameter control the calculation of the derived values. |
Use this dialog box to set-up Map Annotations parameters. |
Use the IPSTAKCON GX create a control file for plotting the stacked pseudo-section maps. This GX is normally called from the IPPSSTAK GX. |
Use the IPTOPOFILE GX to import topography information from an ASCII file. |
Use the IPTOPOGRID GX to import topography information from a grid file. |
Use the IPWINDOW GX to create a new channel of IP values using one or more of the time window or frequency values in an array channel. |
Use the IPXY GX to create a new XY database. Note that this GX has two different behaviours, depending on the value of the input value "N". |
J |
K |
Use the KGCON GX to create a minimum curvature grid using a KRIGRID control file. |
Use the Grid Data tool to create a new grid file using the kriging gridding method. |
L |
Use the LAG GX to apply a lag correction to a channel of data by shifting the start fiducial by a specified lag amount. |
Use the LDALLCH GX to load all database channels on the current line. |
Use the LEVEL GX to adjust the values of an input channel so that they match the values of a given control channel wherever the control channel values are defined (not dummy). |
Use the LINECHAN GX to create a line number channel. |
Use the LINETYPECHAN GX to set the line types of database lines based on values in a particular channel. |
The LISTEDIT GX is normally called by another GX to add or delete items from an application list. Lists are simply a list of names that are associated with a feature in Oasis montaj. |
The LL2XY GX will convert longitude/latitude coordinates on to X,Y coordinates on a local coordinate system. |
Use the LOADDBVU GX to loads a previously saved view to the currently active database editor. |
Use the LOADPLOT GX to add an existing Geosoft Plot file to a map |
Use the LOGCONT GX to draw contours on a map using a specified grid in logarithmic mode. |
Use the LOOKUP1 GX to Lookup values from a Geosoft table based on a single reference channel. |
Use the LOOKUP2 GX to lookup values from a Geosoft table based on a two index lookup using two input channels. The primary index channel must match the primary table field exactly. The secondary index channel is used to find a value in the secondary field of the table. Note that the ‘/=’ lines at the top of the lookup table are necessary as they are part of the Geosoft Table format. You cannot have more than the exact number of columns in a lookup table since each field defined by ‘/=’ is related to each column in sequential order. |
Use the LOOKUPDBCH GX to set the contents of a channel in one database based on a table lookup of values in a second database, using a reference channel. |
Use the LOWPASS GX to apply a low-pass (smoothing) filter to a channel. |
Adds a level correction channel to a raw data channel to produce a new levelled channel. The level correction channels can be created using LVSHIFT, LVTILT, LVSPLN or LVTSPLN. |
Use the LVSHIFT GX to create a level shift correction channel from an error difference channel. The correction is calculated as the average of the level errors (differences) at each crossing. |
Use the LVSPLN GX to create a smooth splined level correction channel from an error difference channel. The correction is calculated by passing a spline function through the error points. |
Use the LVTILT GX to create a tilt level correction channel from an error difference channel. The correction is calculated as the first order trend through the level errors (differences) at each crossing. |
Use the LVTSPLN GX to create a smooth (B-splined) level correction channel. |
M |
Use the MAGBASE GX to apply a magnetic base station correction to a magnetic channel. |
Use the MAGMAP Filtering GX to to apply common Fourier domain filters to gridded data. |
Use the MAKEFID GX to create a fiducial channel based on a specified reference channel. The reference channel is used to determine a start fiducial, fiducial increment, and number of elements to create. |
Use the MAPCLOSE GX to close all open maps in the project. |
Use the MAPCMNT GX to edit the comment block of a map file. |
Use the MAPPLOT GX to process a MAPPLOT control file and draw the result on the current map. |
MAPPLOT supports word translations to different languages for various words used in MAPPLOT. |
Use the MAPPRINT GX to print one or more maps to the default printer. |
Use the MAPSNAP GX to set the resolution for the SNAP function in millimeters for the current map. |
Use this dialog box to create a new map template based on an existing default formats. |
Use the MARK2XYZ GX to extract the currently marked data in an open Oasis montaj™ database and places the data in an XYZ file. All channels currently displayed are extracted and placed in the file. |
Use the MASKCPCH GX to copy one channel to another against mask channel. |
Use the MATH GX to apply a mathematical expression to channels in a database. |
Use the MATHFILE GX to apply a mathematical expression to channels in a database. The expression is defined in an expression file. |
Use the MERGLINE GX to merge two lines into one by concatenating (merging) the channels. |
Use the Edit Metadata dialog to edit the metadata associated with the selected file. |
Use the View Metadata dialog to view the metadata associated with the selected file. |
The MOSAIC GX will create a single grid from a mosaic of input grids. |
N |
Use the NewGDB GX to create a new Geosoft Database (*.GDB) file. |
Use the NEWCHAN GX to create a New channel in a database. |
Use the NEWEDIT GX to select the text file editor that you would like to use to view and modify ASCII text files under Oasis montaj. |
Use the NEWFID GX to change the fiducial numbering of a channel. |
Use the NEWGROUP GX to create a new group on a map. |
Use the NEWLINE GX to create a New line in a database. |
Use the NEWMAP GX to create a new blank map to fit the data range specified. The data range can be entered manually, or it can be determined from the range of selected projected data in a database or from the area covered by a grid with a projected coordinate system. |
Use the NEWMAPLL GX to create a new blank projected map to fit the range of latitudes and longitudes specified. The projected base map created from a latitude-longitude range will be windowed based on lines of latitude and longitude, not X and Y, and the data window will be oriented to make North up at the center of the map. |
The NEWXY GX will allow you to create a pair of new projected coordinate channels from an existing pair of projected coordinate channels. You may also convert elevations from one projection to another. The GX is implemented as a Wizard that has 4 steps: |
Use the NLFILT GX to apply a non-linear filter to a channel. Non-linear filters are very good for removing high amplitude and short wavelength noise from data. A non-linear filter can be followed by a linear low-pass filter to smooth any low-amplitude noise that may remain. |
O |
P |
Use the PATH GX to plot and label survey line paths. |
Use the PICODAS GX to import binary Picodas data from the PDAS acquisition system. |
Create a figure from the displayed profiles in the current database. |
The POLYDEF GX allows you to create a new polygon file or add polygons to an existing polygon file. Polygon files are used in a number of GX’s for purposes such as masking and area selections. |
The POLYDRAW GX draws the polygons from a polygon file on the map. |
Use the POLYGEO GX to create a map polygon mask file based on latitude, longitude map limits. The defined polygon will be converted to projected map coordinates, and the longitude, latitude outline will be sampled at a specified number of points. This file can then be used to clip data or grid files, or it can be applied to a view to clip graphics in a map. |
Use the POLYGEN GX to add a polygonal area group to a line interpretation group. This is intended for drawing interpretations on a map. A line group is first drawn to mark the location of interpreted faults and contacts. The polygonal group added to this line group will then contain the polygonal areas enclosed by all the lines. |
Use the POLYMASK GX to mask a channel in the database against one or more polygons defined in a polygon file. Data points inside or outside the polygons will be dummied in the reference channel. |
Use the PROFILE GX to draw profiles of channel values for all selected lines in a database. |
Use the PROPSYMB GX to place proportionally scaled symbols on your map. |
Use the PROPSYMBLEG GX to place a legend describing the proportional symbol scheme on your map. |
Use the pseudo-section tabbed dialog to select parameters for plotting pseudo-sections. |
Q |
Use the QCDENSTY GX to determine if the sample spacing is above or below a given threshold. |
Use the QCDEVMAP GX to display quality control (QC) results in the current or a new map. |
Use the QCDIURNL GX to carry out quality control on magnetic diurnal variations during a survey. |
Use the QCEXTSTATS GX to produce a statistics summary report of a selected list of channels of all selected lines. This replaces the old QCSTATS GX. |
Use the QCHEIGHT GX to carry out quality control on survey flying height. |
Use the QCINTERSECT GX to carry out quality control on data values measured at the intersection of flight and tie lines. |
Use the QCNOISE GX to calculate the fourth differences between values in a channel. |
Use the QCPATH GX to carry out quality control on airplane flight path. |
Use the QCPLAMAP GX to display the survey plan generated by QCPLAN GX either in the current map or a new map. |
Use the QCPLAN GX to create a flight path survey plan. Given the line spacing, line azimuth (direction) and optionally a single reference point from which to start, the GX will determine the start and end positions of all the lines required to fill the area within the boundary .ply file. Results can be saved in a newly created database or an existing one. |
Use the LineSeparation GX.NET to carry out quality control on flight line separations. |
R |
Use the Grid Data tool to create a new grid file using a minimum curvature gridding algorithm. This is replacing the old RANGRID GX. |
The GX can be used to read an ASCII formatted grid into a Geosoft grid file. |
Use the REFID GX to change the fid sampling of a channel to be based on a reference channel. This is normally done to resample a database based on a distance channel, in which case the new fiducial will be distance. |
Use the REFIDDB GX to change the fid sampling of a database to be based on a reference channel. This is normally done to resample a database based on a distance channel, in which case the new fiducial will be distance. NOTE: If you wish to simply resample the database to give each channel the same fiducial start and increment as a reference channel, use the RESAMPDB GX. |
Use the REGRESS GX to fit a least-square linear regression to a set of marked data in a channel and report the slope and intercept. |
Use the REGRID GX to re-grid an existing grid. This can be done to change the cell size of a grid, or to apply filters along the grid lines. |
Use the RESAMPDB GX to resample an XYZ database to a new sample interval, based on a distance channel. |
Use the RESZMAP GX to resize the data view and base views of a map to fit the currently drawn objects. |
Use the RGCON GX to create a minimum curvature grid using a RANGRID control file. |
Use the RMALLCH GX to remove all displayed channels from current database. |
Use the RMS GX to import RMS blocked binary data into a Geosoft database. |
Use the ROLLINGSTATS GX to calculate a statistic within a rolling window in a channel. |
Use the RPSCNFIG GX to carry out channel configuration setups for airborne radiometric data. |
Use the RPSCORR GX to correct airborne radiometric data for the effects of spectral overlap (STRIPPING) and height attenuation. It also converts potassium, thorium and uranium data to apparent radioelement concentrations. |
Use the RPSFILT GX to perform instrument deadtime corrections on airborne radiometric data, apply nonlinear and lowpass filters to radiometric and/or barometric altimeter data and correct the altimeter data to Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP). |
Use the RPSLEVL GX to create background-corrected airborne radiometric data. |
Use the RPSLEVL GX to create background-corrected airborne radiometric data. |
The RPSLEVLU GX is the second of three GXs required to apply background corrections to radiometric data. GXs are split to reduce the memory requirements for this part of the RPS system. |
Use the RPSRATIO GX to calculate radioelement ratios. You can also threshold data to eliminate very low denominators and/or apply lowpass filters. |
The RPSWINDOW GX extracts the Region Of Interest (ROI) windows for K, U, Th, Total Count and Cosmic radiation from spectral radiometric data stored in an array channel. |
Use the RUNPDF GX to run a Geosoft Sushi PDF file. A Sushi PDF is a "Program Description File" that controls the creation of a dialog, and the building and running of a command string. This is mainly intended to support Geosoft DOS Sushi developers who have developed Sushi PDFs. |
S |
Use the SAVEDBVU GX to save current database editor view. |
Use the SAVEGDB GX to save the current database to a new file. |
Use the SAVEMAP GX to save the current map to a new map name. The original map file will be closed. |
Use the SCANASEG GX to scan a given ASEG-GDF file and create a default import template. This template can then be edited to remove unwanted channels and rename lines as needed using the ALIAS keyword. |
Use the SCANPICO GX to scan a given Picodas file and create a default import template. This template can then be edited to remove unwanted channels and rename lines as needed using the ALIAS keyword. |
The SCLMAP GX is called by other map drawing GX’s whenever drawing to a map for which a map scale has not been defined. This situation most commonly occurs when a map has been opened just to display a grid image. A map scale is required to determine appropriate scaling for drawing text, patterned lines, and other map graphic details. |
Use the SCONT32 GX to contour a grid and provide access to contour parameters. |
Use the SEARCH GX to search for values in the current channel. |
Use the SEARCHREPLACE GX to search and replace values in a channel. |
Run the SELALL GX from a Geosoft Script to select all lines in a database. |
Use the SELDIR GX to select lines based on line direction. |
Run the SELFLT GX to select or deselect a single flight. |
Use the SELGET GX to get current selections from a previously saved selection file. |
Run the SELLINE GX to select or deselect a single line. |
Run the SELNONE GX from a Geosoft Script to deselect all lines. |
Use the SELSAVE GX to save current line/group selections to a file. |
The SETCHPRJ GX is used to assign a projection to a coordinate channel pair in a Geosoft database. |
The SETDATAV enables you to set the current default drawing view on the currently open map. |
The SETDVIEW GX enables you to set the current drawing plane, on an open map, as the "default" drawing plane. |
The SETIMGPRJ GX is used to assign a projection to one or more grid or image files. |
Use the SETMVWPJ GX to display the coordinate projection details of a view and modify the projection. |
The SETPRNT GX sets the current printer. |
Use the SETTINGS GX to change the default settings for your Oasis montaj environment. These settings are defined in the geosettings.meta file in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\ini directory. |
Use the SORTALL GX to sort all channels based on a reference channel. |
Use the SORTALL2 GX to sort all channels based on two reference channels. The data is first sorted by a primary reference channel, then for data with the same value in the primary reference channel, the data is sorted by the secondary channel. |
Use the SORTALLN GX to sort all channels based on two reference channels. The data is first sorted by a primary reference channel, then for data with the same value in the primary reference channel, the data is sorted by the secondary channel. |
Use the SORTCHAN GX to sort the contents of a channel on each selected line. |
Use the SPLTLINE GX to split a line into two lines at a specified fiducial. |
Use the STAT GX to calculate statistics of the currently selected data in DBEDIT. |
Use the STATLEV GX to calculate a least-squares trend line through an error channel to derive a trend error curve, which is then added to a channel to be leveled. The trend curve can be saved for later inspection. |
Use the SYMBOLS GX to draw symbols on a map at all data points along all selected lines in a database. |
T |
Use the TERNLEG GX to create a Ternary Colour Legend. |
Use the TEXTBLK GX to plot a block of text on a map. |
Use the TICK dialog to plot tick marks at specified intervals on a map. |
The TILTDRV GX calculates the tilt derivative of a grid and optionally the total horizontal derivative of the tilt derivative grid. |
Use the TINDB GX to create a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) file from positions in a database |
Use the TINGRID GX to create a grid from a Z-valued Triangular Irregular Network (TIN). |
Use the TINHULL GX to plot the Convex Hull of a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) |
Use the TINMESH GX to plot a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) mesh. |
Use the TINNODES GX to plot the locations of the Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) nodes. |
Use the TINSAMP GX to sample a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) at locations in a database using the natural-neighbour interpolation method. |
Use the TINVORONOI GX to plot the Voronoi cells of Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) |
Use the TOTLDIST GX to calculate total (cumulative) distance from provided X and Y channels down the lines. |
Use the TREND GX to calculate an n'th order trend of a data channel by (least square) best-fit polynomial. The trend is then evaluated and placed in a new channel. An optional residual channel (input - trend) may also be created. |
Use the TRENDDB GX to produce trend tie lines from the current database. |
The TRNDDIGI GX lets you add your own trend line to a database. Your trend line can be included in the gridding process to enforce a particular local trend in the data. To use this GX you should have a database and a map open in the project. The database should contain the original data that is gridded and the map should display a grid image of the data (which may already be trended) together with the current line or data point locations. |
Use the TRNDPATH GX to plot the trend lines found in the current database. These lines are named "R0", for minima, and "R1" for maxima. |
U |
Use the UNLOADCHAN GX to remove (unload) a channel from the spreadsheet. |
Use the UNPACKMAP GX to unpack a packed map or e-map file. |
V |
The V3DADD GX will add an existing View or View/Group to a plane in a 3D view. A 3D View must be selected in an open map to run this GX. |
The V3DDEL GX deletes a plane from a 3D View. |
The V3DIMG GX creates a 3D View of a grid, either in a new map or centered on the current map. |
The V3DMAP GX will either create a new 3D View on a map or add a new drawing plane to an existing 3D View. |
Use the V3DSYMB GX to place coloured symbols on your 3D map. |
The VA2VA GX will create a subset array channel from a window of an existing array channel. |
The VA2VA GX will create a subset array channel from a window of an existing array channel. |
For a given an array channel, the VA2VV GX will create a single-element channel by copying all the array data into a single array. The last value in each array element will be followed by the first value in the next array element. |
The VAAVERAGE GX will average all rows or columns in a VA on a line-by-line basis and place the results in a channel of each line. |
Use the VACOLOR GX to specify a colour zone file used to colour individual profiles in an array channel profile display. |
Use the VACVFILT GX to apply a convolution filter to an array channel along the array (row). The filter can be defined in a filter file or in a comma delimited string. |
Use the VADISPLAY GX to specify for an array channel the windows to display, as well as a base and range of values for the database cell profile plots. |
Use the VANLFILT GX to apply a non-linear filter to an array channel along the array (row). Non-linear filters are very good for removing high amplitude and short wavelength noise from data. A non-linear filter can be followed by a linear low-pass filter to smooth any low-amplitude noise that may remain. |
Use the VAPLOT GX to plot an individual array profile from an array channel in the current database. This GX must be run interactively. |
Use the VAPRFSCT GX to set option to display Array channels in a database using colours, as well as profiles in each database cell. |
Use the VARIOGRM GX to produce a variogram plot in the current map. |
Use the VASCTCOL GX to specify a colour zone file used to display an array channel in each database cell. |
Use the VASORT GX to sort the rows or columns of an array channel in each selected line. |
Use the VAWINDOW GX to extract the sum or average of values from a window of an array channel to a new channel. |
Use the VAWINDOW2 GX to extract a fractional window of an array channel to a new channel. |
Use the VIEWCLIP GX to reset the clip area of a view to a polygon mask file. |
Use the VIEWEXTCLIP GX to add or replace a group mask to a view. |
Use the VIEWGETCLIP GX to extract the current mask from a view to a PLY file. |
Use the VIEWGETEXTCLIP GX to extract a group mask from a view to a PLY file. |
Use the VIEWLOG GX to view the processing log file from the editor |
Use the VIEWRENEXTCLIP GX to rename an existing group mask in a view. |
Use the VOXCLIP GX to produce a new Voxel by clipping an existing voxel with topography grid(s). |
Use the Voxel Horizontal Slice GX to extract horizontal (plan) grids from a voxel model. |
Use the Voxel Section GX to extract vertical slices of a voxel model as grids. |
Use the Create Isosurface from Voxel option to extract an isosurface from a voxel model and plot it to the 3D Viewer. |
Voxel Multiple Surfaces GX | Use the Create Multiple Isosurfaces from Voxel tool creates a geosurface with multiple isosurfaces extracted from a voxel. |
Use the VOXSTAT GX to report and modify information about a Geosoft Voxel, including simple statistical information and coordinate system information. |
Use he VIEWRENEXTCLIP GX to rename an existing group mask in a view. |
Use the VSCTDPCH GX to create a depth (array) channel. |
Given a single element channel, the VV2VA GX will copy the data to an existing array channel. The array data will be filled row-by-row from the contents of the single element channel. |
W |
This GX will allow you to create a pair of new coordinate channels from an existing pair of coordinate channels. Specifically, it will enable you to apply a warp to existing X and Y channels and enter the results in a new set of channels with names you specify. You can then apply other operations such as gridding to the newly warped data. |
Use the WARPFILE GX to create an output Warp file. |
Use the WARPGRDA GX to attach a warp to a grid. |
Use the WARPGRID GX to warp the location of a grid. |
Use the WINEXEC GX to open a command console and run a process. |
Use the WINOLD GX to restore the original X and Y channels after windowing the default X and Y channels. The original X and Y were saved in channels \"__X\" and \"__Y\". |
Use the WINRECT GX to define a rectangular mask for plot masking. The WINXY GX can be used to mask the data to the *.ply file. |
Use the WINXY GX to mask the X and Y channels to the area defined by a polygonal mask file. This causes all map based processing that follows to only use the data within the defined region. |
Use the WINZ GX to Window the X and Y channels to the area defined by given range Zmin/Zmax of a mask channel (Z). This causes all map based processing that follows to only use the data within the defined region. |
X |
Use the XLEVEL GX to create level information channels by extracting required data from an intersection |
The XY2LL GX will convert local X, Y coordinates to longitude, latitude based on a common known location and the direction of the local coordinate system. |
Use the XYFILL2 GX to replace all dummies in X/Y channels by linear, cubic spline or max. entropy prediction interpolation. |
The XYGET GX overwrites the current X and Y channels using original X and Y information that has been stored in backup channels _X and _Y. |
Use the XYROTATE GX to rotate a coordinate system. |
The XYSAVE GX saves the current X and Y channels in backup channels _X and _Y. This GX is intended for users who want to apply some sort of transformation (such as a rotation, coordinate projection or translation, etc.) and keep a copy of original channels in case of errors or for future reference. |
The XYSCALE GX allows you to set the X and Y scales separately in a data view from the currently open map. |
Use the XYSET GX to set the channels to use as the current X (Easting) and Y (Northing). |
Use the XYTRNS GX to translate and apply scale factor to coordinates. |
Use the XYZLINE GX to break a line into component lines based on tolerance of lateral distance. This will convert a neutral format line to Geosoft's XYZ format lines. |
Use the XYZSTAT GX to produce a statistics summary report of a selected list of channels of all selected lines in the current database. |
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